A testis. Testicles are rarely identical; in 85% of cases the left one hangs lower than the right.ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin testiculus , a diminutive form of testis meaning witness from a time when witnesses at a trial testified to the truth by holding a hand over their testicles.
SYNONYMS FOR TESTICLES (R.S. = rhyming slang): acorns ; allsbay ; apricots ; baby-makers; back-wheels ; bags ; balkans; ballocks ; balls ; bangers ; bangles ; bannocks ; baubles (bawbles); bean-pods ; Beecham's-pills ; berries ; billiards ; bird's-eggs ; bobblers; bobbles ; bonbons ; booboos ; bubus; bullets ; bum-balls ; charleys ; charlies ; chestnuts ; chicken-mc-nuggets ; chones ; Christmas-crackers (R.S.); chuckies ; clappers ; cobbs ; cobbles; cobbler's-awls (R.S.); cobbler's-stall (R.S.); cobs ; cockles ; coconuts ; cods ; coffee-stalls (R.S.); cojones ; come-factories ; conkers ; coolies ; crackerjacks ; cream-crackers (R.S.); cullions ; culls ; cum-factories ; cuts ; damsons ; danglers ; diamonds ; ding-dangs ; ding-dongs ; do-dads ; dodads ; dojiggers ; doodads ; dusters ; eggs-(in-the-basket) ; figs ; flack ; flowers-and-frolics ; frick ; fun-and-frolics ; gadgets ; General Smuts (R.S.); gingambobs ; glands ; globes ; goatees ; gonads; gones ; gonicles ; goolies ; gooseberries ; hairy-conkers ; heirlooms ; Henry-Halls (R.S.); higgumbobs ; huevos; interstitial-glands ; Jackson-Pollocks ; jiggumbobs ; jingleberries ; Johnny Rollicks (R.S.); Johnny-Rollocks (R.S.); jumbucks ; jungleberries ; kaks ; kanakas ; kelks ; Ken-Dodds (R.S.); knackers ; knacks ; knockers ; little-acorns ; Little-Buddys-buddies ; love-apples ; love-nuts ; love-spuds ; low-hangers ; marble-halls (R.S.); marbles ; marrons ; marshmallows ; Max-Walls (R.S.); meaty-bites ; meggs ; nackers ; nadgers ; nads ; nags ; nards ; Niagara-Falls (R.S.); nobby-halls (R.S.); nuggets ; nutmegs ; nuts ; orbs ; orchestra-stalls (R.S.); orchids ; ornaments ; pebbles ; pills ; plums ; pounders ; prairie-oysters ; prunes ; rocks ; rollocks ; rollies ; royal-jewels ; Sandra-Bullocks (R.S.); scalloped-potatoes ; seals ; sex-glands ; slabs ; spunk-factories ; spunk-holders ; stones ; sweets ; swingers ; tallywags ; tarn-wags ; tarrywags ; taters ; tatties ; testes ; testimonials ; testosities ; thingamabobs ; thingamajigs ; thingmajigs ; thingumbobs ; thingummies ; Tom-Doolies (R.S.); Tommy-Rollicks (R.S.); Tommy-Rollocks (R.S.); twiddle-diddles ; the twins; the Urals; velvet-orbs ; wank-tanks ; Wentworth-Falls (R.S.); whirlygigs ; witnesses-to-ones-virility ; yarbles ; yongles . See penis for more synonyms.
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