Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter I
- I suppose
- ice palace
- icebox
- icing expert
- iconolagnia
- idealization
- idolize
- ill-piece
- illicit affair
- illicit romance
- imagination
- immissio penis
- immuno-compromised
- impercolating
- impotent
- in a delicate condition
- in a family way
- in a state of undress
- in between
- in Cock Alley
- in deep
- in Dutch
- in full fig
- in heat
- in love
- in nothing but a fig leaf
- in pig
- in season
- in the biz
- in the business
- in the game
- in the life
- in the noddle
- in the pudden
- in the Red Sea
- in the spud line
- in to the hilt
- in up to the neck
- in-and-in
- in-group
- in-sisters
- inappetence
- inch instrument
- incompatrouble
- indecent
- indisposed
- industrial debutante
- infanticipating
- infatuated
- infertile period
- inflamed
- ingler
- inhale the oyster
- inhibited sexual excitement
- inner labia
- inner sex
- inorgasmic
- insertee
- inside-out strip
- inspector of manholes
- instrumentum erectum
- inter-
- interested in only one thing
- interior sledging
- interlabial slit
- intermenstrual bleeding
- intersexual
- intimate acquaintance
- intimate relations
- into submission
- introduce Charlie
- introitus
- inunctionism
- invert
- invoking Venus
- involutional gyneacomastia
- ipsism
- Irish by birth by Greek by injection
- Irish fortune
- Irish marathon
- Irish rise
- Irish toothpick
- iron jaws
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- irrumator
- Isolde
- issue over tissue
- It girl
- Italian letter
- itch mite
- itching jenny
- itchy eye
- itchy-scratchies
- ittish
- ivory box
- ivory rinse
- ice queen
- Iceburg Slim
- icing queen
- iconolagny
- idiogamist
- ignite the lightsaber
- illegal cohabitation
- illicit liaison
- illicit sex
- imago
- immoral
- imperforate hymen
- impregnate
- in a delicate state
- in a fix
- in a sweat
- in buff
- in coitu
- in double harness
- in flagrante delicto
- in full orchestra
- in heat over
- in love with
- in one's pelt
- in pod
- in stag
- in the box
- in the closet
- in the hand cream
- in the line
- in the noodie
- in the pudding
- in the sack
- in the state of single blessedness
- in trouble
- in utero
- in-and-out
- in-law
- incest
- incognita
- incomplete abortion
- indecent assault
- indoor sports
- ineffable
- infantilism
- infatuation
- infertility
- informal value
- ingravidate
- inhibited orgasm
- inhibition
- inner lips (of the vagina)
- inner vulvar lips
- inscrewtable
- inserter
- insomnia sexualis
- installing a burglar alarm
- intact
- intercourse
- interfemoral intercourse
- interlabial hiatus
- intermammary cleft
- intermenstrual pains
- interspecies sex
- intimate apparel
- intimaterie
- into the trade
- introduce the captain
- intromission
- invader of hinterland
- inverted nipple
- involuntary regurgitation
- involved with
- Ireland
- Irish clubhouse
- Irish horse
- Irish mutton
- Irish root
- Irish way
- iron
- ironing some wrinkles
- irrumated
- ish
- isolophobia
- it
- It's not the bull they're afraid of, it's the calf
- Italian culture
- Italian way
- itcher
- itching the ditch
- itchy feet
- ithy
- ittishness
- ivory gate
- ice-cube sandwich
- ichthyophobia
- icolagnia
- icy
- IDO2
- illegitimate
- illicit relations
- illyngophobia
- immoral girl
- impale
- impotence
- impregnation
- in a delicate state of health
- in a natural state
- in an interesting condition
- in calf
- in copulo
- in drab
- in foal
- in gear
- in like Flynn
- in nature's garb
- in one's Sunday best
- in pup
- in the altogether
- in the brown
- in the club
- in the hay
- in the natural
- in the nuddie
- in the pudding club
- in the saddle
- in the throes of (love)
- in up to the eyes
- in vaginam
- in-and-out jig
- in-lover
- inamorata
- incest taboo
- income tax
- incontinent
- indecent exposure
- indorser
- inexperienced
- infantry has landed, the
- infected
- infibulation
- informal values
- ingressability
- inhibited sexual arousal
- ink in the pen
- inner sanctum
- innocent girl
- insects and ants
- insertor
- inspectionalism
- instant mum
- intake
- intercourse per anum
- intergenerational relationship
- interlabial sanctum
- intermarriage
- internalized homophobia
- interstitial glands
- intimate bits
- into domination
- intracrural intercourse
- introduce the captain to his pie
- intromittent organ
- invading Poland
- inverted suspension
- involution
- ipsation
- iris
- Irish confetti
- Irish kiss
- Irish pasture
- Irish shave
- Irish wedding
- iron closet
- irrigate
- irrumatio
- ischolagny
- Ishtar
- isomulcia
- it and more
- it-chaser
- Italian fashion
- itch
- itchiness
- itchy
- itchy pants
- ithyphallophobia
- itty
- ivory hills
- ice cream machine
- iceberg
- icicle
- icon
- ID
- idol
- ilium
- illegitimate child
- illicit relationship
- IM
- immenses
- immoral house
- impassioned
- impotency
- in a certain condition
- in a familiar way
- in a state of nature
- in bad shape
- in circulation
- in cuerpo
- in drag
- in full feather
- in hand
- in loco parentis
- in need of
- in one's Sunday clothes
- in puris naturalibus
- in the beads
- in the buff
- in the family way
- in the kip
- in the nip
- in the nude
- in the raw
- in the skin
- in the trade
- in up to the gills
- in young
- in-call
- in-out
- inamorato
- inch
- incomepatibility
- incubus
- independant
- indurated male underbelly
- infanticide
- infatuate
- infertile
- infidelity
- ingle nook
- inguinal
- inhibited sexual desire
- inland passage
- inner self
- innuendo
- inseminate
- inside lips (of the vagina)
- inspectionism
- instrument
- Inter faeces et urinem nascimur
- intercourse position
- interior decorating
- interlabial sanctum muliebre
- intermediate sex
- interrupted coitus
- intimacy
- intimate parts
- into leather
- intrigue
- introducer
- intumescence
- inversion
- invirility
- involutional depression
- ipserotic
- Irish beauty
- Irish draperies
- Irish legs
- Irish promotion
- Irish toothache
- Irish whist
- iron hoof
- irritable bladder
- irrumation
- isosexual
- it and that
- It-ness
- Italian habit
- itch for
- itching
- itchy asshole
- itchy places
- ittiness
- ivories
- ivory pearl
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter I
- I suppose
- ice palace
- icebox
- icing expert
- iconolagnia
- idealization
- idolize
- ill-piece
- illicit affair
- illicit romance
- imagination
- immissio penis
- immuno-compromised
- impercolating
- impotent
- in a delicate condition
- in a family way
- in a state of undress
- in between
- in Cock Alley
- in deep
- in Dutch
- in full fig
- in heat
- in love
- in nothing but a fig leaf
- in pig
- in season
- in the biz
- in the business
- in the game
- in the life
- in the noddle
- in the pudden
- in the Red Sea
- in the spud line
- in to the hilt
- in up to the neck
- in-and-in
- in-group
- in-sisters
- inappetence
- inch instrument
- incompatrouble
- indecent
- indisposed
- industrial debutante
- infanticipating
- infatuated
- infertile period
- inflamed
- ingler
- inhale the oyster
- inhibited sexual excitement
- inner labia
- inner sex
- inorgasmic
- insertee
- inside-out strip
- inspector of manholes
- instrumentum erectum
- inter-
- interested in only one thing
- interior sledging
- interlabial slit
- intermenstrual bleeding
- intersexual
- intimate acquaintance
- intimate relations
- into submission
- introduce Charlie
- introitus
- inunctionism
- invert
- invoking Venus
- involutional gyneacomastia
- ipsism
- Irish by birth by Greek by injection
- Irish fortune
- Irish marathon
- Irish rise
- Irish toothpick
- iron jaws
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- irrumator
- Isolde
- issue over tissue
- It girl
- Italian letter
- itch mite
- itching jenny
- itchy eye
- itchy-scratchies
- ittish
- ivory box
- ivory rinse
- ice queen
- Iceburg Slim
- icing queen
- iconolagny
- idiogamist
- ignite the lightsaber
- illegal cohabitation
- illicit liaison
- illicit sex
- imago
- immoral
- imperforate hymen
- impregnate
- in a delicate state
- in a fix
- in a sweat
- in buff
- in coitu
- in double harness
- in flagrante delicto
- in full orchestra
- in heat over
- in love with
- in one's pelt
- in pod
- in stag
- in the box
- in the closet
- in the hand cream
- in the line
- in the noodie
- in the pudding
- in the sack
- in the state of single blessedness
- in trouble
- in utero
- in-and-out
- in-law
- incest
- incognita
- incomplete abortion
- indecent assault
- indoor sports
- ineffable
- infantilism
- infatuation
- infertility
- informal value
- ingravidate
- inhibited orgasm
- inhibition
- inner lips (of the vagina)
- inner vulvar lips
- inscrewtable
- inserter
- insomnia sexualis
- installing a burglar alarm
- intact
- intercourse
- interfemoral intercourse
- interlabial hiatus
- intermammary cleft
- intermenstrual pains
- interspecies sex
- intimate apparel
- intimaterie
- into the trade
- introduce the captain
- intromission
- invader of hinterland
- inverted nipple
- involuntary regurgitation
- involved with
- Ireland
- Irish clubhouse
- Irish horse
- Irish mutton
- Irish root
- Irish way
- iron
- ironing some wrinkles
- irrumated
- ish
- isolophobia
- it
- It's not the bull they're afraid of, it's the calf
- Italian culture
- Italian way
- itcher
- itching the ditch
- itchy feet
- ithy
- ittishness
- ivory gate
- ice-cube sandwich
- ichthyophobia
- icolagnia
- icy
- IDO2
- illegitimate
- illicit relations
- illyngophobia
- immoral girl
- impale
- impotence
- impregnation
- in a delicate state of health
- in a natural state
- in an interesting condition
- in calf
- in copulo
- in drab
- in foal
- in gear
- in like Flynn
- in nature's garb
- in one's Sunday best
- in pup
- in the altogether
- in the brown
- in the club
- in the hay
- in the natural
- in the nuddie
- in the pudding club
- in the saddle
- in the throes of (love)
- in up to the eyes
- in vaginam
- in-and-out jig
- in-lover
- inamorata
- incest taboo
- income tax
- incontinent
- indecent exposure
- indorser
- inexperienced
- infantry has landed, the
- infected
- infibulation
- informal values
- ingressability
- inhibited sexual arousal
- ink in the pen
- inner sanctum
- innocent girl
- insects and ants
- insertor
- inspectionalism
- instant mum
- intake
- intercourse per anum
- intergenerational relationship
- interlabial sanctum
- intermarriage
- internalized homophobia
- interstitial glands
- intimate bits
- into domination
- intracrural intercourse
- introduce the captain to his pie
- intromittent organ
- invading Poland
- inverted suspension
- involution
- ipsation
- iris
- Irish confetti
- Irish kiss
- Irish pasture
- Irish shave
- Irish wedding
- iron closet
- irrigate
- irrumatio
- ischolagny
- Ishtar
- isomulcia
- it and more
- it-chaser
- Italian fashion
- itch
- itchiness
- itchy
- itchy pants
- ithyphallophobia
- itty
- ivory hills
- ice cream machine
- iceberg
- icicle
- icon
- ID
- idol
- ilium
- illegitimate child
- illicit relationship
- IM
- immenses
- immoral house
- impassioned
- impotency
- in a certain condition
- in a familiar way
- in a state of nature
- in bad shape
- in circulation
- in cuerpo
- in drag
- in full feather
- in hand
- in loco parentis
- in need of
- in one's Sunday clothes
- in puris naturalibus
- in the beads
- in the buff
- in the family way
- in the kip
- in the nip
- in the nude
- in the raw
- in the skin
- in the trade
- in up to the gills
- in young
- in-call
- in-out
- inamorato
- inch
- incomepatibility
- incubus
- independant
- indurated male underbelly
- infanticide
- infatuate
- infertile
- infidelity
- ingle nook
- inguinal
- inhibited sexual desire
- inland passage
- inner self
- innuendo
- inseminate
- inside lips (of the vagina)
- inspectionism
- instrument
- Inter faeces et urinem nascimur
- intercourse position
- interior decorating
- interlabial sanctum muliebre
- intermediate sex
- interrupted coitus
- intimacy
- intimate parts
- into leather
- intrigue
- introducer
- intumescence
- inversion
- invirility
- involutional depression
- ipserotic
- Irish beauty
- Irish draperies
- Irish legs
- Irish promotion
- Irish toothache
- Irish whist
- iron hoof
- irritable bladder
- irrumation
- isosexual
- it and that
- It-ness
- Italian habit
- itch for
- itching
- itchy asshole
- itchy places
- ittiness
- ivories
- ivory pearl