Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

illegitimate child:

1. A child born to an unmarried woman or to a married-woman whose husband is not the child's biological father. In The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991) Rosalie Maggio, on the basis that ' no human being is illegitimate ' recommends the following alternatives: child of unmarried parents / child of unknown father.

SYNONYMS: adulterine-child ; bachelor's-baby ; baseborn ; base-begotten-child ; base-son ; blankard ; a blotch on the escutcheon; bastardly-gullion ; born-in-the-vestry ; born-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-blanket (or covers); a blotch of the escutcheon; born-out-of-wedlock ; bush-child ; by-blow (-chop; -scape; -slip); catch-colt ; chance-child ; come-by-chance ; come-through-the-side-door ; fatherless child; filius-nullius ; fruit-of-adultery ; illegitimate child; left-handed son/daughter; love-begotten-child ; love-child ; merry-begotten ; misborn ; natural-child ; offspring-of-adultery ; side-stroke ; sinfant ; slip-up ; spurious-offspring ; whore's-kitling ; whore's-son ; woods colt ; whorephan ; whoreson .
SEE ALSO: break-a-leg .

QUOTE: Tuco (Eli Wallach) to Blondie (Clint Eastwood) in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1967): ' You know what you are? You don't? I do! Everybody does. You're the son of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you .'

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