Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. Sexual unfaithfulness in marriage ; sexual-relations with someone other than ones spouse .
SYNONYMS: adulterous-affair ; breach of promise; cheating , coitus-adulterinus ; cuckoldry ; entanglement; the eternal-triangle ; extracurricular-activities ; extramarital infidelity; fornication ; goings-on ; hanky-panky; two-timing ; unfaithfulness. See affair for more synonyms.

2. An instance of sexual unfaithfulness; an act of sex performed between two people one or both of whom is/are married to other people. See affair for synonyms.

Quotes Containing infidelity:
Jess (Bruno Kirby) and Harry (Billy Crystal) in When Harry Met Sally (1989): - Jess: 'Marriages don't break-up on account of infidelity . It's just a symbol that something else is wrong.' - Harry: 'Really?! Well, that symbol is fucking my wife .'

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