Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
1. Between; among. 2. Back and forth; to and fro. 3. Mutually; reciprocally.-- interaxillary : in the armpit. See: axillary-intercourse .
-- inter-crural / intercrural , between-the-legs or thighs .
-- inter-femoral / interfemoral , between the thighs . See: interfemoral-intercourse .
-- intergenerational , between generations; between people with 20+ years age difference.
-- inter-gluteal / intergluteal , between the buttocks .
-- interlabial , between the lips or labia . See: interlabial-hiatus / interlabial-sanctum / interlabial-slit .
-- intermammary , between the breasts. See: intermammary-cleft .
-- inter-menstrual / intermenstrual , between menstrual periods. See: intermenstrual-bleeding .
See Also: anal coitus, anal intercourse, anal-genital intercourse, anogenital intercourse, butter churn, coitus interfemoris, college fuck, college style, English method, IMB, inter-, intermenstrual bleeding, intersexual, leggins, meat-seeking pissile
Quotes Containing inter-:
St. Augustine: ''Inter faeces et urinem nascimur.'' (We are born between feces and urine.)
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