Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
1. Offensive to manners and good taste; offensive in polite society; vulgar .SYNONYMS: beyond the pale; coarse; crude; going too far; gross; improper; low; low-minded; sordid; unseemly; vulgar .
2. Offensive to public moral values; immodest; obscene.
SYNONYMS AND QUASI-SYNONYMS: blue ; dirty ; filthy; foul; foulmouthed; gross; ill-bred; immodest; immoral ; impure; in bad taste; indecorous; indelicate; lewd ; licentious ; malodorous; off-color ; outrageous; pornographic ; raunchy; raw ; ridiculous; rough; salacious ; scatological; shameless; shocking; smutty ; tasteless; unbecoming; undecorous; unseemly; untoward; vile; wicked; X-rated .
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