1. Unable to have and maintain an erection; lacking in ability to perform the sexual-act ; unable to procreate.SYNONYMS: infertile ; sterile ; sterilized; unproductive.
2. Lacking in strength or power.
SYNONYMS AND QUASI-SYNONYMS: all in; arthritic; boneless; caponized; castrated; catatonic; comatose; crippled; dead-beat; defeated; demoralized; deviating; disabled; done up ; drifting; drugged; effete ; exhausted; fatigued; feckless; feeble; gelded; gnashing one's teeth ; grounded; handicapped; helpless; hindered; impaired; incapable of action; incapacitated; incontinent ; ineffective; ineffectual; inoperative; nerveless; neuter; neutered; nonactive; not able; null and void ; of no effect; on the pill; out of action; out of the running; paralyzed; pooped out ; powerless; puny; rigid; rudderless; senile; shell-shocked; spayed; spineless; stamping one's feet; sterile ; sterilized. sexless. barren ; stiff ; strengthless; supine; swamped; thwarted; unable; unhinged; unimportant; unmanned; unnerved; unproductive; unsexed; unskillful; used up ; useless; weak; without self-control; worn-out.
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