

To lick the genitals with the tongue, to perform anilingus , cunnilingus or fellatio . See anilingus , cunnilingus , and fellatio for synonyms.


(1) Taggart (Slim Pickens) to Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) in Blazing Saddles (1974): ' Goddarnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty-dollar whore .' What Taggart really means is that Hedley is a clever talker .

(2) In Son in Law (1993): ' So, do I get-some tongue? '

See Also: amorous congress, anal play, anal sexual play, analinctus, analingus, androglossia, anilingus, anolinctus, anolingus, arsey-versey, article, aspen leaf, Athanasian wench, bachelor's fare, ballum rancum, basket making, bastardly gullion, beard-splitter, beau nasty, blabber, bleached mort, blowen, blue boar, bob-tail, bobtail, box tonsils, brank, Bronx cheer, browning, buccal intercourse, buccal onanism, buck, buck fitch, Buckinger's boot, bumper sticker, bunter, burning shame, bushel bubby, butterfly flick, buttock and tongue, buttock ball, buttock jig, buttock stirring, C**T, C-food, carnal parts, Carvel's ring, case vrow, cat call, cat heads, catheads, chitty-faced, clack, clacker, clapper, clicket, clitoral orgasm, cock-a-whoop, codpiece, coffee house, coffee shop, coitus in ore, coitus oralis, cold meat, Colt's tooth, commodity, Convent Garden, Covent Garden, Covent Garden ague, covey, crack a pitcher, crack the pipkin, crack the pitcher, cracked pipkin, cracked pitcher, crinkum crankum, crusty beau, cuckold the parson, cundum, cunniknismos, cunnilinction, cunnilinctus, cunnilingtie, cunnilinguate, cunnilinguist, curtezan, custom-house, cutty-eye, daylights, deep kiss, deep-throat, dells, demi-rep, dinner without grace, do the grand tour, dock, dog's rig, doing it, domine do little, doodle sack, dumb watch, fanny, feather bed jig, feathery flick, the, fellatio, fetch mettle, fish, flash man, flash the hash, flat cock, fleshy part of the thigh, flogging cully, flyer, French, French kiss, French kissing, frenchified, frenulum linguae, frenulum of the tongue, Freudian slip, fribble, fruitful vine, FUBAR, fubsey, fumbler, fundament, funniment, fussock, fusty luggs, gab, gabber, gag reflex, gam, gamahuche, gamb, gander month, gap-stopper, gentle tittler, get, gill, gills, gimcrack, gingambobs, give a girl a green gown, give tonsil-lectomy, glimflashy, go under the house, go-between, gollompus, grafted, grand tour, green sickness, grind, guy cramps, had'em, hair splitter, Hans Carvel's ring, harridan, hat, have a box lunch, have box lunch, he-blow, hearing cheats, hedge whore, hedge-creeper, hellcat, henpecked, horn mad, horn work, hose job, hoydon, hummums, indorser, Irish beauty, Jack in the box, Jack Whore, jade, jakes, jigger, jilted, jimcrack, jock, jokum cloy, jowl, keep it up, keeping cully, kettledrums, kissonyms, knobble, knock, knock one on, labiate, lady birds, lance of love, lapper, leaping over the sword, left-handed wife, letch, lib, lie in a state, lingual frenum, linguist, little tongue sushi, lob cock, lock hospital, lollygag, Lord knows where, loves battering ram, loves dribbling dart, loves sensitive truncheon, mackerel, Madam Ran, madge, madge culls, man's privities, matrimonial peace-maker, means of generation, melting moments, merkin, merry arse Christian, Miss Laycock, Miss Molly, money, monocular eyeglass, mort, mount a corporal and four, mouth love, mouth wrestle, mouth wrestling, mouth-genital sex, mouthlove, mow, Mrs. Princum Prancum, mutton-monger, muttoner, natural parts, naturals, nimgimmer, nose to hose, notch, nub, old dose, on the town, one-man band, oragenital sex, oral coitus, oral copulation, oral eroticism, oral genitalism, oral intercourse, oral sex, oral stimulation, oral-anal sex, oral-genital sex, oralism, orogenital sex, orolabial stimulation, parts below, peculiar, penis envy, penis muliebris, peppered, persuader, physog, phyz, piece, pimp whiskin, piss prophet, piss proud, pissing pins and needles, pitcher, plastercasters, plug-tail, pope's eyes, the, pratt, prattler, prick-lick, prick-licker, prig, prigging, prigstar, prime article, princum prancum, privates, privy parts, proud, public ledger, pucker water, pull a train, pulling the train, pully hawly, punk, quail-pipe, queer bitch, queer mort, quicunque vult, quim, rabbit catcher, ranlum scrantum, rantallion, rantum scantum, raspberry, receiver general, red rag, riding St. George, romp, rooting, round-mouth, rum blowen, rum doxy, rum mort, scolds bridle, scut, shaft of delight, shanker, short-heeled wench, slattern, smack, smut, Snafu, Snaky-Lick Trick, snoozing-ken, socket money, soul case, soul kiss, soul kissing, Spanish padlock, spice island, spill, spit bath, squirrel, strap, strapping, strum, suck face, swinging, swinging single, talker, taster, tetbury portion, Thomas, thorough-good-natured wench, three-inch fool, three-penny upright, three-penny uprighter, throw the tongue, tip the velvet, token, tongue, tongue kiss, tongue kissing, tongue sushi, tongue the tan crack, tongue the tan track, tongue wrestle, tonguing the tan crack, tonguing the tan track, top-diver, toss off, town bull, town rake, tu quoque, tuzzy-muzzy, twiddle poop, two-handed put, underparts, unnatural vice, velvet, velvet buzz saw, wagtail, wand of love, wap, wasp, Westminster wedding, wet kiss, wet kissing, wet one, whiffles, whither-go-ye, whore you?, widow's weeds, wife in watercolors, wife-swapping, windward passage, wolf in the breast, woman's commodity, woman's privities, wriggling pole, wriggling stick, wrinkle-belly, xantippe, yard

Quotes Containing tongue:
Lawrence Paros in The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''The professionals helped forge a common tongue . A man now had his joint copped, had some derby , or had his hat nailed to the ceiling. More frequently, men spoke of being blown or having a blow-job (all since early 20th C).''
Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984) about the word yard : ''By 1850 it had become obsolete. Yet the yard lives on in every man''s fantasy, though the details of the fantasy clash. We have the old adage, "Short and thick does the trick" (18thC), as well as Robert Burns''s "Nine inch will please a lady" while contemporary folk hyperbole immortalizes theman with a nine-inch pr**k and a twelve-inch tongue who can breathe through his ears. In our world , however, it''s the three-inch-fool (The Taming of the Shrew) who clearly is the rule.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): 'Sex is easier done than said.'
Kris Kringle''s (Edmund Gwenn) age in Miracle on 34th Street (1947): ''As old as my tongue and a little bit older than my teeth .''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''As Voltaire reminded us upon declining a second invitation to an orgy, "Once a philosopher, twice a pervert ."''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''One man''s meat is another''s poisson.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Two things smell like a fish , and one is a fish .''
Charlie (R.D. Robb) and Marcia (Christine Taylor) in The Brady Bunch Movie (1995): - Charlie : ''Marcia, I think I just felt your tongue in my mouth .'' - Marcia: ''It''s called a French-kiss , Charlie .'' - Charlie : ''Um, Marcia, I gotta go. Euh... Something suddenly came up .''
Marcia Brady (Christine Taylor) and Doug (Shane Conrad) in The Brady Bunch Movie (1995): - Marcia: ''Doug, I think I just felt your tongue in my mouth .'' - Doug: ''It''s called a French-kiss .'' - Marcia: ''But I thought you were from Nebraska!''
State prisoner Rosco (Fred Ward) enquires about his wife from his mother (Kathleen Freeman) in The Naked Gun 33 1/3. The Final Insult (1994): - Rosco: ''Ma. How''s Tanya?'' - Mother: ''Tanya''s the same. Milky, creamy skin , pouting red lips , firm buttocks , ample breasts, ears you just love to stick your tongue into...'' - Rosco: ''Ma. Please. I''m gonna get guy-cramps if you keep this up .''
From Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Fighting for peace is like f**king for virginity . Anon., 1983-84''
From Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Fighting for peace is like f**king for virginity . Anon., 1983-84''
Captain Francis Grose. Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1811) as: ''The blowen was nutts upon the kiddey because he is well-hung ; the girl is pleased with the youth because his genitals are large.''
Michelle (Julie Warner) and Tommy (Chris Farley) in Tommy Boy (1994) - Michelle: ''I saw him kissing his mom.'' - Tommy: ''So?'' - Michelle: ''With his tongue .''
'Goddarnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty-dollar whore .' Taggart (Slim Pickens) to the articulate Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) in Blazing Saddles (1974)
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Playing with oneself (18-20th C .) is a worthwhile activity for both sexes and one of the most rewarding of all the sexual practices. In terms of orgasmic efficacy, it seldom fails us. Alfred Kinsey reported that 95 percent of the time it is successful, with 75 percent of the participants attaining climax (20th C .) in less than four minutes.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Playing with oneself (18-20th C .) is a worthwhile activity for both sexes and one of the most rewarding of all the sexual practices. In terms of orgasmic efficacy, it seldom fails us. Alfred Kinsey reported that 95 percent of the time it is successful, with 75 percent of the participants attaining climax (20th C .) in less than four minutes.''
Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Sex comes from the Latin secare, "to cut or divide," and we first used the word to designate the two major categories of humanity we have come to know and love as male and female. We later used the word sex not only for dividing the sexes, but to refer to qualities of being male or female.'
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''It''s not unusual to insult people by identifying them with their body parts . Calling someone a pr**k is a commonplace insult, but we reserve use of the expression for males of a particular character, and not for men in general. C**t, on the other hand, is not only a term filled with contempt and disdain, but it is applied indiscriminately, regardless of the person''s character, insulting not only the person toward whom the remark is aimed, but all women everywhere.''
Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) to Ramada (Valeria Golino) in Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993): ''I do love you. I tried to forget you but no matter what I do , your face is always on the tip of my tongue .''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Unfortunately, the only question he [the male] has in mind is: Is she easy (since 17th C), loose (since 15th C), fast (18th C), swift (late 19-20th C), speedy (c. 1923), light (14th C), or convenient (19thC)? Does she go all the way(mid-20th C), the whole route (19-20th C), or the limit (c. 1916)? Once we have the answer to that question, we have established what is called a reputation (since 18th C).''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''The bra , or something like it , has been in use for over 6,000 years but really didn''t come into its own until the turn of the century. The first formal application for a patent on the garment was filed on February 12, 1914 by Mary Phelps Jacob, also known as Caresse Crosby, who fashioned a prototype using some ribbons, thread , and two handkerchiefs. After World War I, the donning of the bra became synonymous with the chucking of the corset , long considered the restrainer of the female and the mainstay of her oppression. The bra allowed women to both liberate their bodies and assume a host of activities, both work and play, previously open only to men.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''The bra , or something like it , has been in use for over 6,000 years but really didn''t come into its own until the turn of the century. The first formal application for a patent on the garment was filed on February 12, 1914 by Mary Phelps Jacob, also known as Caresse Crosby, who fashioned a prototype using some ribbons, thread , and two handkerchiefs. After World War I, the donning of the bra became synonymous with the chucking of the corset , long considered the restrainer of the female and the mainstay of her oppression. The bra allowed women to both liberate their bodies and assume a host of activities, both work and play, previously open only to men.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''The bra , or something like it , has been in use for over 6,000 years but really didn''t come into its own until the turn of the century. The first formal application for a patent on the garment was filed on February 12, 1914 by Mary Phelps Jacob, also known as Caresse Crosby, who fashioned a prototype using some ribbons, thread , and two handkerchiefs. After World War I, the donning of the bra became synonymous with the chucking of the corset , long considered the restrainer of the female and the mainstay of her oppression. The bra allowed women to both liberate their bodies and assume a host of activities, both work and play, previously open only to men.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''The bra , or something like it , has been in use for over 6,000 years but really didn''t come into its own until the turn of the century. The first formal application for a patent on the garment was filed on February 12, 1914 by Mary Phelps Jacob, also known as Caresse Crosby, who fashioned a prototype using some ribbons, thread , and two handkerchiefs. After World War I, the donning of the bra became synonymous with the chucking of the corset , long considered the restrainer of the female and the mainstay of her oppression. The bra allowed women to both liberate their bodies and assume a host of activities, both work and play, previously open only to men.''
Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Sex comes from the Latin secare, "to cut or divide," and we first used the word to designate the two major categories of humanity we have come to know and love as male and female. (...) We later used the word sex not only for dividing the sexes, but to refer to qualities of being male or female. Over time we assigned specific attributes to each category. These distinctions were dutifully recorded in the esteemed OED, making-it all very official. The male was described as "the better" and "the sterner" sex ; the female, as "the fairer," "the gentler," "the softer," and "the devout" sex . Women were also called "the second" sex . For a period of time between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when people spoke of "the sex ," they had women in mind.''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ''Unfortunately, the only question he [the male] has in mind is: Is she easy (since 17th C), loose (since 15th C), fast (18th C), swift (late 19-20th C), speedy (c. 1923), light (14th C), or convenient (19thC)? Does she go all the way(mid-20th C), the whole route (19-20th C), or the limit (c. 1916)? Once we have the answer to that question, we have established what is called a reputation (since 18th C).''
Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): 'Nobody really knows where the hole came from, though Captain Grose, the roguish eighteenth- century lexicographer, had his own ideas about it . His version opens with an angel who had been employed in forming women, forgetting to cut off their parts-of-generation . Enter Lucifer who took it upon himself to set matters right. Taking a somewhat direct approach to the problem, he placed himself in a sawpit with a scythe fixed to a stick in his hand and directed the women to straddle the pit . He then gave each the mark-of-the-beast (c. 1715). The pit being too deep for the length of his instrument , tall women received only a moderate scratch , but little women, because their legs were so short and more within his reach, received a somewhat larger cut . The long and the short of it? They both went home with an everlasting-wound (17th C), known in some quarters as the divine-scar (18th C). The Devil, henceforth, was to be known as Old Nick or Ole Scratch; and the c**t [cunt, as slit (17th-20th C), nick , and gash (both 16th-20thC).'

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