Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter H
- H
- hack
- hacker
- haddock pastie
- Haemophilus ducreyi
- hagiophobia
- hair court
- hair monger
- hairdo
- hairy banana
- hairy lasso
- hairy pie
- hairy sausage
- Hairyfordshire
- half bent
- half-hour shine
- half-virgin
- halitosis
- ham
- ham shank
- hamhocks
- hammertons
- hammock is swinging, the
- Han Solo
- hand gallop
- hand jive
- hand lotion
- hand solo
- hand-raised
- handballing
- handkerchief codes
- Hands off your cocks, feet in your socks!
- handstaff
- hang a b.a.
- hang-down
- hanging basket
- hangover
- hanky panky
- happy hunting grounds
- happy valley
- harbour of hope
- hard head
- hard salami
- hard-boiler
- hard-on for
- hardcore pornography
- hardware shop
- harlot's trade
- harp playing
- harridan
- hat
- hatch
- haul your own ashes
- have a beef injection
- have a bit of bum
- have a bit of fluff
- have a bit of jam
- have a bit of pork
- have a bit of stuff
- have a bit on the fork
- have a bottom-wetter
- have a brush with the cue
- have a crush on
- have a dash in the bloomers
- have a double shot
- have a fuck
- have a hankering for
- have a heart-throb for
- have a hump in front
- have a leak
- have a little tax deduction
- have a lot of what s/he's got
- have a nine-months dropsy
- have a piece of ass
- have a reputation
- have a run-out
- have a shag
- have a soft spot for
- have a thing for
- have a visitor
- have a wet dream
- have an affair with
- have ants in one's pants
- have carnal knowledge of
- have coitus with
- have flapperitis
- have high blonde pressure
- have hot pants for
- have it bad
- have it in
- have it off
- have it Reno-vated
- have more pricks than a second-hand dart-board
- have one's aunt
- have one's cherry
- have one's granny
- have one's heart go pitapat
- have one's will with
- have personal relations with
- have relations
- have sex with
- have some lip action
- have stage fright
- have the bends
- have the flowers
- have the itch
- have the painters in
- have the womans complaint
- having a ball
- having a date with Rosie Palm and her five sisters
- having a one-night-stand with yourself
- having a technicolor yawn
- having a whack attack
- having it off
- having sex
- having the wedding bells tuned
- hawk one's fork
- hawk the fork
- hay bag
- he-blodded
- he-male
- he-thing
- head artist
- head cook and bottle washer
- head job
- head worker
- headfuck
- headrails
- heap of coke
- heart and soul
- heart's desire
- heart-smasher
- heartbreak
- heat
- heaven
- heavers
- heavy date
- heavy with
- Hector's pecking
- hedonist
- hedralingus
- heebess
- heels in the air
- heinie
- heirlooms
- hell week
- helmet halva
- helpmate
- hemerotism
- hen
- Henry Halls
- her indoors
- herkin' the gherkin
- hermaphroditus verus
- hernandies
- herpes
- herpie
- Hershey highwayman
- hes
- het up
- heteroerotic
- heterophilia
- heterosexual
- heterovalent
- hidden treasure
- hide the ferret
- hide the wienie
- high enough
- high maintenance
- high stepper
- high-diver
- highway queen
- hills
- himmer
- hinder entrance
- hint of lavender
- hip flipper
- hip-swishy
- hipsters
- hirsute oyster
- His Majesty in purple cap
- hit and run guy
- hit on Rosy Palm
- hit the ham
- hit the slit
- hit-and-runner
- hitched
- hitchhiking to heaven
- hitting skins
- ho cake
- hobbler
- hockey
- hoe-handle
- hog-eye
- hold a bowling ball
- hold in high regard
- holding on to a family heirloom
- hole in one
- hole puncher
- holer
- Holloway
- holy bed and board
- holy poker
- home
- home health massager
- home wrecker
- homework
- homicidophilia
- Homo sapiens
- homoamorous
- homoerotophobia
- homoism
- homophobia
- homosexology
- homosociality
- hone
- honey fuck
- honey rolls
- honeydews
- honeymoon bladder
- Hong Kong dog
- honkers
- honorable prick
- hooded
- hooer
- hook joint
- hooker
- hooking
- hoop snake(s)
- hootchy-kootchy
- hooverism
- hop into the horses collar
- hopped-up job
- horehouse
- horizontal dancing
- horizontal jitterbug
- horizontal refreshment
- horizontally challenged
- hormone replacement therapy
- horn work
- hornification
- horny
- horrorform
- horse and cart
- horse collar
- horseman
- hose monster
- hostess
- hot as a firecracker
- hot beef
- hot bot
- hot cross bun
- hot enchilada
- hot flush
- hot house
- hot item
- hot lips
- hot milk
- hot nuts for
- hot pudding for supper
- hot roll with cream
- hot tailing
- hot tongue
- hot-assed
- hot-tailed woman
- hotchee
- hots
- hotter than a fresh-fucked fox in a forest fire
- hound dog
- house of all nations
- house of convenience
- house of fame
- house of joy
- house of profession
- house of sin
- house split
- housefrow
- hoy up
- hubba-hubba
- Hudson River whitefish
- hug center
- hugen
- hum a tune (on the flute)
- human nature
- human sexuality
- hump
- hump the horn
- humper and a pumper, a
- humping
- humpy
- hung like a dinosaur
- hung on someone
- hungry
- hunk of ass
- hunk of meat
- hunky
- hurl
- hurting Burt until he squirts
- husband for a weekend
- husker
- hustler
- hygiene hall
- hygrophobia
- hymenally challenged
- hymenorrhaphy
- hyperaesthesia
- hyperphilia
- hyphenate
- hypoactive sexual desire
- hypomenorrhea
- hypoxphilia
- hysteromania
- H2
- hack off
- hackney
- hadeophobia
- Haemophilus vaginalis
- hagism
- hair disadvantaged
- hair pie
- hairless wonder
- hairy bit
- hairy magnet
- hairy pipi
- hairy wheel
- half a cob
- half brass
- half-husband
- half-widow
- halo
- ham and eggs
- ham-boning
- Hamilton Wick
- hamming
- hammocks
- hand ball
- hand game
- hand job
- hand queen
- hand to gland combat
- hand-reared
- handfucking
- handle
- hands on training
- Handy (Andy)
- hang a darky
- hangers
- hanging five
- hanker
- Hans Carvel's ring
- happy juice
- haptephobia
- hard ass
- hard hit
- hard-assed love
- hard-core
- hard-up
- hardened spermapositor
- hare
- harlotry
- harpaxophilia
- Harry Monk
- hat and cap
- hatchi
- haunch
- have a baby on the way
- have a beguin for
- have a bit of cock
- have a bit of fork
- have a bit of meat
- have a bit of rough
- have a bit of sugar stick
- have a blow through
- have a bowel movement
- have a bump in front
- have a cuddle
- have a dash of lavender
- have a dumpling on
- have a good time
- have a hard-on
- have a high belly
- have a jimmy
- have a leaky faucet
- have a little visitor
- have a mustache
- have a nocturnal
- have a piss
- have a ride
- have a screw
- have a slash
- have a spasm
- have a tumble
- have a wank
- have a yearning for
- have an emission
- have box lunch
- have chemistry
- have esteem for
- have fondness for
- have hot nuts
- have hot pudding for supper
- have it both ways
- have it in a big way
- have it off with
- have it tied
- have one in the oven
- have one's auntie with one
- have one's chimes rung
- have one's heart doing back flips
- have one's heart go pitter-patter
- have ones ass in a crack
- have plenty of snap in her garter
- have relations with
- have sexual relations
- have some pussy
- have stomach ache
- have the curse
- have the heebie-jeebies for
- have the knot knotted
- have the rag(s) on
- have to swim underwater to get away from it
- having a bit
- having a five-knuckle-shuffle
- having a roy
- having a technicolor yodel
- having an arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel
- having it on
- having sex with someone you love
- Hawaiian eye
- hawk one's meat
- hawk the mutton
- he-blow
- he-man
- he-whore
- head case
- head date
- head of the house
- headache
- headlamps
- heads and tails
- hear the call
- heart breaker-upper
- heart's-ease
- heart-stricken
- heartbreaker
- heat in the meat
- heaven's porthole
- heavy breathing
- heavy hitter
- hebephilia
- hedge whore
- hedonistic
- hee
- heebie-jeebies
- heels over head (in love)
- heinie highway
- heliogabalus
- hellcat
- helmet pelmet
- hemale
- hemispheres
- hen house
- hepatitis
- herbalz
- Herman the One-eyed German
- hermaphrodyke
- herosexual
- herpes simplex
- Hershey bar
- Hershey squirter
- hesexual
- hetero-
- heteroeroticism
- heterophobia
- heterosexual bias
- hettie
- hickey
- hidden tumor
- hide the salami
- hierophilia
- high forehead
- high postage
- high Texan
- high-heel(ed) pumps
- hiking the Grand Canyon
- hills of paradise
- hind boot
- hindquarters
- hint of mint
- hip peddler
- hipocrocadogapig
- hir
- hirsutism
- hissing Sid
- hit and run sex
- hit or miss
- hit the kitten
- hit the top
- hitch
- hitchhike under the big top
- hitchhiking underneath the big top
- hive
- ho stroll
- hobby horse
- hodge dog
- hoff
- hog-flogger
- hold dear
- hold out
- holding the sausage hostage
- hole it
- hole to hide it in
- Holiday Inn
- Hollywood
- holy bedlock
- holy pole
- home base
- home plate
- homeboy
- homey
- homilophilia
- homo-
- homocoitus
- homogenic
- homophagist
- homophobic
- homosexual
- homunculi
- hone the bone
- honey man
- honey-do
- honeyfuck
- honeymoon cystitis
- honk
- honkies
- hoochie
- hoodrat
- hoofs
- hook shop
- hooker shop
- hooky
- hoor
- hootenanny
- hoowah
- hop on
- hopper
- horizontal
- horizontal exercise
- horizontal jogging
- horizontal rumble
- hork
- horn
- horn-colic
- hornified
- horny hussy
- horrorscope
- horse and trap
- horse's handbrake
- hortus
- hose the hole
- hot
- hot baby
- hot beef injection
- hot box
- hot cross buns
- hot fat
- hot for
- hot in the ass
- hot juice
- hot meat
- hot mutton
- hot pants
- hot rocks
- hot sketch
- hot tamale
- hot turds
- hot-assed woman
- hot-water bag
- hotdog-a-rama
- hotsy
- hotter than a red firewagon
- house
- house of assignation
- house of delight
- house of ill delight
- house of lewdness
- house of prostitution
- house of tolerance
- house under the hill
- housekeeper
- hoyden
- hubbies
- hufemity
- hug the hog
- huggle
- hum job
- human papilloma virus
- humiliation
- hump 'em and dump 'em
- hump the hose
- humpery
- humping air
- Hundred-And-Seventy-Fiver
- hung like a horse
- hung up on
- hungry arse
- hunk of beef
- hunkers
- hunt-about
- hurry whore
- hurting for it
- husband's supper
- husky
- hustling hussy
- hyalophobia
- hygienecally challenged
- hymen
- hymeneal
- hymenorrhexis
- hyperfemininity
- hyperplasia
- hyphenated
- hypogamy
- hypophilia
- hypoxyphilia
- hysteroscopy
- ha'penny
- hack the hog
- had more ass than a toilet seat
- haemaphobia
- hafada
- hailing
- hair divider
- hair splitter
- hairy axe wound
- hairy conkers
- hairy Mary
- hairy ring
- hairy whizzer
- half a man
- half rice half chips
- half-mast
- halfpenny
- halve the crack
- ham and two eggs
- hamartophobia
- hammer
- hammock
- Hampton Wick
- hand book
- hand gig
- hand job house
- hand relief
- hand work
- hand-staff
- handful of pleasure, a
- handling the hard on
- handshaker
- handy work
- hang a goober
- hanging at the Y
- Hanging Johnny
- hankering
- Hansom cabs
- happy sack
- haptic
- hard baby
- hard labor
- hard-bit
- hard-leg (whore)
- hardcore
- Hardhat Harry
- haricot
- harm
- harpoon
- Harvard style
- hat job
- hatchway
- haunches
- have a banana with
- have a bent dick
- have a bit of crumpet
- have a bit of fun
- have a bit of mutton
- have a bit of skirt
- have a bit of tail
- have a bone-on
- have a box lunch
- have a bun in the oven
- have a cut off the joint
- have a date with a handkerchief
- have a fever
- have a good time (with)
- have a hard-on for
- have a horn
- have a jump with
- have a lech
- have a live sausage for supper
- have a naughty
- have a pash on
- have a poke
- have a roll in the hay
- have a seminal emission
- have a slice off the joint
- have a sperm attack
- have a tuna sandwich
- have a watermelon on the vine
- have a yen for
- have an itch for
- have brewer's droop
- have Chinese singing lesson
- have eyes for
- have fun
- have hot nuts for
- have intimate relations with
- have it dissolved
- have it in large gobs
- have it on
- have itchy pants
- have one off the wrist
- have one's banana peeled
- have one's cut
- have one's heart doing flip-flips
- have one's oats
- have ones greens
- have plenty of this and that
- have sex
- have sexual relations with
- have someone away
- have that funny feeling
- have the eye
- have the hots
- have the miseries
- have the tremors
- have union with
- having a conversation with the one-eyed trouser snake
- having a ham shank
- having a sherman
- having a tug
- having dinner
- having my monthlies
- having some clam dip
- hawk
- hawk one's mutton
- hawking
- he-ing and she-ing
- he-mannified
- he/she
- head cheese
- head gasket
- head over heels (in love)
- headcheese
- headlights
- healers
- hearing cheats
- heart line
- heart-crusher
- heart-to-heart
- heartbroken
- heat is on, the
- heavenly bliss
- heavy cruiser
- heavy leather
- heck bite
- hedge-creeper
- hedonophilia
- hee-haw with the wrinkled mee-maw
- heed nature's call
- hefty clefty
- heir-apparenting
- heliophobia
- Hellenic love
- help-spend
- hemaphobia
- hemophobia
- hen-pecker
- hepatitis B
- hereditary syphilis
- hermaphrodite
- hermaphy
- herp
- herpes simplex virus
- Hershey Bar route
- Hershey way
- het
- heteroclite
- heteroerotism
- heterosexism
- heterosexuality
- hey-hey hussy
- Hidden Bite
- hide
- hide the sausage
- hierophobia
- high Greek
- high priest of Paphos
- high tide
- high-voltage sheik
- hill-locks
- Hilltop Drive
- hind end
- hindside
- Hinterland
- hip-bath
- hippy-witch
- hircusophilism
- hirsutophilia
- hit
- hit it off
- hit skins
- hit the sack with
- hit the triangle
- hitch horses
- hitchhiker on the Hershey Highway
- hitchpussy
- hive it
- ho-handle
- hobeast
- hodophilia
- hog
- hogger
- hold in affection
- hold the bold
- holding your sausage hostage
- hole of content
- hole-of-holes
- holiday money
- Hollywood hustler
- holy deadlock
- holy week
- home brew
- home run
- homegirl
- homi-polone
- hominophobia
- homo-lover
- homoerotic
- homogenitalism
- homophile
- homophylophilia
- homosexuality
- homy
- honey
- honey pie
- honeycakes
- honeyfuggle
- honeypot
- honk for
- honking Bobo
- hood
- hoods
- hook
- hook up
- hooker's beat
- hoon
- hootananny
- hooters
- hop in the saddle
- hop on a babe
- hopping bug
- horizontal bop
- horizontal folk-dancing
- horizontal life
- horizontalize
- hormonal reassignment therapy
- horn mad
- horn-dog
- horniness
- hornyness
- horry
- horse around
- horse's hoof
- hose
- hosebag
- hot about
- hot back
- hot biscuit
- hot brains
- hot dog
- hot flame
- hot funky
- hot in the biscuit
- hot lay
- hot meat injection
- hot number
- hot piece of dark meat
- hot rod
- hot spot
- hot to trot
- hot wax
- hot-panted woman
- hotch
- hotel hotsy
- Hottentot apron
- hotter than Georgia asphalt
- house girl
- house of call
- house of ease
- house of ill fame
- house of office
- house of sale
- house of vulgar resort
- house-mother
- housemother
- hoydon
- hubby
- huffle
- hug the porcelain wishing well
- Hugh Jass
- hum-yum girl
- human reproductive organs
- hummer
- hump ribs
- hump your fist
- Humphreys
- humping the hose
- hung
- hung like a rabbit
- hunger
- hungry girl
- hunk of butt
- hunkies
- huntch
- hurt for
- hus-bond
- husbandman of nature
- hussy
- huzzie
- hydrophobia
- hygrophilematous
- hymenal
- hymeneal waterfall
- hymenotomy
- hypermasculinity
- hypersexual
- hyphephilia
- hypogastrian cranny
- hyposexuality
- hysterectomy
- hysterotomy
- habit that dare not speak its name
- hack the mack
- had'em
- haematophobia
- hag
- hair burger
- hair in hand
- hair-job
- Hairy back, bad in the sack
- hairy escutcheon
- hairy oracle
- hairy saddlebags
- hairy-chested
- half and half
- half-and-halfer
- half-pint
- halfway around the world
- halvsies
- ham howitzer
- hambone
- hammering
- hammock for two
- hams
- hand fuck
- hand jig
- hand labor
- hand shandy
- hand-made
- hand-warmers
- handfuls
- handmade
- handsome
- handy-dandy
- hang up one's hat
- hanging bacon
- hanging the old man
- hanky code
- haphephobia
- happy shopper
- harass
- hard breathing
- hard mack
- hard-boiled baby
- hard-on
- hardcore facial
- hardware
- harlot
- harness
- harpy
- has-been
- hat rack
- Hathor
- hausfrau
- have a bang
- have a bit
- have a bit of cunt
- have a bit of gutstick
- have a bit of navy cake
- have a bit of split mutton
- have a bit of the creamstick
- have a boner
- have a broken machine
- have a caller
- have a dame complex
- have a discharge
- have a friend
- have a gypsy's
- have a heart attack
- have a hot roll with cream
- have a knee trembler
- have a little death
- have a lollipop
- have a nibble
- have a passion for
- have a rattle
- have a roving eye
- have a sexual reflex
- have a small stroke
- have a sweet tooth for
- have a turn on one's back
- have a wet
- have affection for
- have another on the way
- have carnal knowledge
- have coition
- have eyes only for
- have fun with
- have hot pants
- have it away with
- have it hard
- have it in large helpings
- have it Reno'd
- have lead in one's pencil
- have one on the brain
- have one's bell rung
- have one's foul way with
- have one's heart flip flop
- have one's ticket punched
- have ones way with
- have plenty of what s/he's got
- have sex meat-to-meat
- have some cream sauce
- have someone by the short and curlies
- have the banana peeled
- have the flag out
- have the hots for
- have the ninety day blues
- have the urge to merge
- haveable
- having a date with Fisty Palmer
- having a J. Arthur
- having a technicolor laugh
- having a tug-of-war with the cyclops
- having grandmother to stay
- having one off the wrist
- having the painters in
- hawk one's brown
- hawk one's pearly
- hawking her meat
- HD
- he-ing it
- he-mannish
- head
- head cleaner
- head hunter
- head queen
- headers
- headliner
- health vibrator
- heart
- heart team
- heart-free
- heart-whole
- heartthrob
- heat seeking missile
- heavens above
- heavy crush
- heavy petting
- hecklace
- hedonism
- hedonophobia
- hee-haws
- heel
- heifer barn
- heir-conditioned
- hell
- helmet
- helping the python shed its skin
- hematophobia
- hemotigolagnia
- henpecked
- hepatitis C
- heredity
- hermaphrodite dyke
- hermit
- herped up
- herpetophobia
- Hershey highway
- herstory
- het film
- heterocoitus
- heteroflexible
- heterosexology
- heterosociality
- hey-nonny-no
- hidden queen
- hide the candy
- hide the weasel
- higgumbobs
- high heels fetish
- high Russian
- high-bellied
- higher Malthusianism
- hillnelly
- him-her
- Hindenburgs
- Hindustani jig
- hip chick
- hip-hitter
- hips, lips and armpits
- hirsute
- his lordship
- hit and miss
- hit on (someone)
- hit the deep
- hit the sheets
- hit-and-run marriage
- hitch to the wrong side of the post
- hitchhiking south
- hits both ways
- ho
- hobble
- hock
- hoe
- hog ranch
- hogs eye
- hold in high esteem
- holding my own
- hole
- hole out in one, a
- holemonger
- Holland
- Hollywooing
- holy knot, the
- holy-of-holies
- home cooking
- home sweet home
- homely
- homichlophobia
- homo mollis
- homo-milk
- homoeroticism
- homogenitality
- homophilia
- homos
- homosocial
- honchos
- honey dip
- honey pot
- honeydew melons
- honeymoon
- honeysuckle vine
- honker
- honky
- hood bondage
- hoodwink
- hook house
- hooked
- hookey
- hoop
- hootchie
- hoover
- hop into bed with
- hop up and down
- horatio
- horizontal bra
- horizontal hula
- horizontal mambo
- horizontally accessible
- hormone fix
- horn movie
- horned
- horns
- horror feminae
- horse and buggy fuggy
- horse breaker
- horse-fuck
- hose job
- hosing
- hot and bothered
- hot beaver shot
- hot bod
- hot buns
- hot dogging
- hot flash
- hot hole
- hot in the tail
- hot lead
- hot member
- hot nuts
- hot pockeroo
- hot rod it
- hot stuff
- hot tomato
- hot-arsed
- hot-pillow joint
- hotcha
- hotline
- hotter than a Fourth-of-July hoedown
- hotty
- house in the suburbs
- house of civil reception
- house of enjoyment
- house of ill repute
- house of pleasure
- house of shame
- house prostitute
- housebreaking the cat
- howitzers
- hub
- huddle
- huffling
- hug the throne
- hula-hooping
- human enema
- human scabies
- hummums
- hump the bump
- humper
- humpin' and bumpin'
- humpmobile
- hung like a bull
- hung like a stallion
- hunger for
- hunk
- hunk of frozen meat
- hunkorama
- huppah
- hurt not harm
- husband
- husk it
- hustle
- huzzlecoo
- hyelophobia
- hygrophilia
- hymenal ring
- hymenectomy
- hymie
- hypermenorrhea
- hypersexuality
- hypnophobia
- hypomastia
- hypothalamus
- hysterical paroxysm
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter H
- H
- hack
- hacker
- haddock pastie
- Haemophilus ducreyi
- hagiophobia
- hair court
- hair monger
- hairdo
- hairy banana
- hairy lasso
- hairy pie
- hairy sausage
- Hairyfordshire
- half bent
- half-hour shine
- half-virgin
- halitosis
- ham
- ham shank
- hamhocks
- hammertons
- hammock is swinging, the
- Han Solo
- hand gallop
- hand jive
- hand lotion
- hand solo
- hand-raised
- handballing
- handkerchief codes
- Hands off your cocks, feet in your socks!
- handstaff
- hang a b.a.
- hang-down
- hanging basket
- hangover
- hanky panky
- happy hunting grounds
- happy valley
- harbour of hope
- hard head
- hard salami
- hard-boiler
- hard-on for
- hardcore pornography
- hardware shop
- harlot's trade
- harp playing
- harridan
- hat
- hatch
- haul your own ashes
- have a beef injection
- have a bit of bum
- have a bit of fluff
- have a bit of jam
- have a bit of pork
- have a bit of stuff
- have a bit on the fork
- have a bottom-wetter
- have a brush with the cue
- have a crush on
- have a dash in the bloomers
- have a double shot
- have a fuck
- have a hankering for
- have a heart-throb for
- have a hump in front
- have a leak
- have a little tax deduction
- have a lot of what s/he's got
- have a nine-months dropsy
- have a piece of ass
- have a reputation
- have a run-out
- have a shag
- have a soft spot for
- have a thing for
- have a visitor
- have a wet dream
- have an affair with
- have ants in one's pants
- have carnal knowledge of
- have coitus with
- have flapperitis
- have high blonde pressure
- have hot pants for
- have it bad
- have it in
- have it off
- have it Reno-vated
- have more pricks than a second-hand dart-board
- have one's aunt
- have one's cherry
- have one's granny
- have one's heart go pitapat
- have one's will with
- have personal relations with
- have relations
- have sex with
- have some lip action
- have stage fright
- have the bends
- have the flowers
- have the itch
- have the painters in
- have the womans complaint
- having a ball
- having a date with Rosie Palm and her five sisters
- having a one-night-stand with yourself
- having a technicolor yawn
- having a whack attack
- having it off
- having sex
- having the wedding bells tuned
- hawk one's fork
- hawk the fork
- hay bag
- he-blodded
- he-male
- he-thing
- head artist
- head cook and bottle washer
- head job
- head worker
- headfuck
- headrails
- heap of coke
- heart and soul
- heart's desire
- heart-smasher
- heartbreak
- heat
- heaven
- heavers
- heavy date
- heavy with
- Hector's pecking
- hedonist
- hedralingus
- heebess
- heels in the air
- heinie
- heirlooms
- hell week
- helmet halva
- helpmate
- hemerotism
- hen
- Henry Halls
- her indoors
- herkin' the gherkin
- hermaphroditus verus
- hernandies
- herpes
- herpie
- Hershey highwayman
- hes
- het up
- heteroerotic
- heterophilia
- heterosexual
- heterovalent
- hidden treasure
- hide the ferret
- hide the wienie
- high enough
- high maintenance
- high stepper
- high-diver
- highway queen
- hills
- himmer
- hinder entrance
- hint of lavender
- hip flipper
- hip-swishy
- hipsters
- hirsute oyster
- His Majesty in purple cap
- hit and run guy
- hit on Rosy Palm
- hit the ham
- hit the slit
- hit-and-runner
- hitched
- hitchhiking to heaven
- hitting skins
- ho cake
- hobbler
- hockey
- hoe-handle
- hog-eye
- hold a bowling ball
- hold in high regard
- holding on to a family heirloom
- hole in one
- hole puncher
- holer
- Holloway
- holy bed and board
- holy poker
- home
- home health massager
- home wrecker
- homework
- homicidophilia
- Homo sapiens
- homoamorous
- homoerotophobia
- homoism
- homophobia
- homosexology
- homosociality
- hone
- honey fuck
- honey rolls
- honeydews
- honeymoon bladder
- Hong Kong dog
- honkers
- honorable prick
- hooded
- hooer
- hook joint
- hooker
- hooking
- hoop snake(s)
- hootchy-kootchy
- hooverism
- hop into the horses collar
- hopped-up job
- horehouse
- horizontal dancing
- horizontal jitterbug
- horizontal refreshment
- horizontally challenged
- hormone replacement therapy
- horn work
- hornification
- horny
- horrorform
- horse and cart
- horse collar
- horseman
- hose monster
- hostess
- hot as a firecracker
- hot beef
- hot bot
- hot cross bun
- hot enchilada
- hot flush
- hot house
- hot item
- hot lips
- hot milk
- hot nuts for
- hot pudding for supper
- hot roll with cream
- hot tailing
- hot tongue
- hot-assed
- hot-tailed woman
- hotchee
- hots
- hotter than a fresh-fucked fox in a forest fire
- hound dog
- house of all nations
- house of convenience
- house of fame
- house of joy
- house of profession
- house of sin
- house split
- housefrow
- hoy up
- hubba-hubba
- Hudson River whitefish
- hug center
- hugen
- hum a tune (on the flute)
- human nature
- human sexuality
- hump
- hump the horn
- humper and a pumper, a
- humping
- humpy
- hung like a dinosaur
- hung on someone
- hungry
- hunk of ass
- hunk of meat
- hunky
- hurl
- hurting Burt until he squirts
- husband for a weekend
- husker
- hustler
- hygiene hall
- hygrophobia
- hymenally challenged
- hymenorrhaphy
- hyperaesthesia
- hyperphilia
- hyphenate
- hypoactive sexual desire
- hypomenorrhea
- hypoxphilia
- hysteromania
- H2
- hack off
- hackney
- hadeophobia
- Haemophilus vaginalis
- hagism
- hair disadvantaged
- hair pie
- hairless wonder
- hairy bit
- hairy magnet
- hairy pipi
- hairy wheel
- half a cob
- half brass
- half-husband
- half-widow
- halo
- ham and eggs
- ham-boning
- Hamilton Wick
- hamming
- hammocks
- hand ball
- hand game
- hand job
- hand queen
- hand to gland combat
- hand-reared
- handfucking
- handle
- hands on training
- Handy (Andy)
- hang a darky
- hangers
- hanging five
- hanker
- Hans Carvel's ring
- happy juice
- haptephobia
- hard ass
- hard hit
- hard-assed love
- hard-core
- hard-up
- hardened spermapositor
- hare
- harlotry
- harpaxophilia
- Harry Monk
- hat and cap
- hatchi
- haunch
- have a baby on the way
- have a beguin for
- have a bit of cock
- have a bit of fork
- have a bit of meat
- have a bit of rough
- have a bit of sugar stick
- have a blow through
- have a bowel movement
- have a bump in front
- have a cuddle
- have a dash of lavender
- have a dumpling on
- have a good time
- have a hard-on
- have a high belly
- have a jimmy
- have a leaky faucet
- have a little visitor
- have a mustache
- have a nocturnal
- have a piss
- have a ride
- have a screw
- have a slash
- have a spasm
- have a tumble
- have a wank
- have a yearning for
- have an emission
- have box lunch
- have chemistry
- have esteem for
- have fondness for
- have hot nuts
- have hot pudding for supper
- have it both ways
- have it in a big way
- have it off with
- have it tied
- have one in the oven
- have one's auntie with one
- have one's chimes rung
- have one's heart doing back flips
- have one's heart go pitter-patter
- have ones ass in a crack
- have plenty of snap in her garter
- have relations with
- have sexual relations
- have some pussy
- have stomach ache
- have the curse
- have the heebie-jeebies for
- have the knot knotted
- have the rag(s) on
- have to swim underwater to get away from it
- having a bit
- having a five-knuckle-shuffle
- having a roy
- having a technicolor yodel
- having an arm-wrestle with your one-eyed vessel
- having it on
- having sex with someone you love
- Hawaiian eye
- hawk one's meat
- hawk the mutton
- he-blow
- he-man
- he-whore
- head case
- head date
- head of the house
- headache
- headlamps
- heads and tails
- hear the call
- heart breaker-upper
- heart's-ease
- heart-stricken
- heartbreaker
- heat in the meat
- heaven's porthole
- heavy breathing
- heavy hitter
- hebephilia
- hedge whore
- hedonistic
- hee
- heebie-jeebies
- heels over head (in love)
- heinie highway
- heliogabalus
- hellcat
- helmet pelmet
- hemale
- hemispheres
- hen house
- hepatitis
- herbalz
- Herman the One-eyed German
- hermaphrodyke
- herosexual
- herpes simplex
- Hershey bar
- Hershey squirter
- hesexual
- hetero-
- heteroeroticism
- heterophobia
- heterosexual bias
- hettie
- hickey
- hidden tumor
- hide the salami
- hierophilia
- high forehead
- high postage
- high Texan
- high-heel(ed) pumps
- hiking the Grand Canyon
- hills of paradise
- hind boot
- hindquarters
- hint of mint
- hip peddler
- hipocrocadogapig
- hir
- hirsutism
- hissing Sid
- hit and run sex
- hit or miss
- hit the kitten
- hit the top
- hitch
- hitchhike under the big top
- hitchhiking underneath the big top
- hive
- ho stroll
- hobby horse
- hodge dog
- hoff
- hog-flogger
- hold dear
- hold out
- holding the sausage hostage
- hole it
- hole to hide it in
- Holiday Inn
- Hollywood
- holy bedlock
- holy pole
- home base
- home plate
- homeboy
- homey
- homilophilia
- homo-
- homocoitus
- homogenic
- homophagist
- homophobic
- homosexual
- homunculi
- hone the bone
- honey man
- honey-do
- honeyfuck
- honeymoon cystitis
- honk
- honkies
- hoochie
- hoodrat
- hoofs
- hook shop
- hooker shop
- hooky
- hoor
- hootenanny
- hoowah
- hop on
- hopper
- horizontal
- horizontal exercise
- horizontal jogging
- horizontal rumble
- hork
- horn
- horn-colic
- hornified
- horny hussy
- horrorscope
- horse and trap
- horse's handbrake
- hortus
- hose the hole
- hot
- hot baby
- hot beef injection
- hot box
- hot cross buns
- hot fat
- hot for
- hot in the ass
- hot juice
- hot meat
- hot mutton
- hot pants
- hot rocks
- hot sketch
- hot tamale
- hot turds
- hot-assed woman
- hot-water bag
- hotdog-a-rama
- hotsy
- hotter than a red firewagon
- house
- house of assignation
- house of delight
- house of ill delight
- house of lewdness
- house of prostitution
- house of tolerance
- house under the hill
- housekeeper
- hoyden
- hubbies
- hufemity
- hug the hog
- huggle
- hum job
- human papilloma virus
- humiliation
- hump 'em and dump 'em
- hump the hose
- humpery
- humping air
- Hundred-And-Seventy-Fiver
- hung like a horse
- hung up on
- hungry arse
- hunk of beef
- hunkers
- hunt-about
- hurry whore
- hurting for it
- husband's supper
- husky
- hustling hussy
- hyalophobia
- hygienecally challenged
- hymen
- hymeneal
- hymenorrhexis
- hyperfemininity
- hyperplasia
- hyphenated
- hypogamy
- hypophilia
- hypoxyphilia
- hysteroscopy
- ha'penny
- hack the hog
- had more ass than a toilet seat
- haemaphobia
- hafada
- hailing
- hair divider
- hair splitter
- hairy axe wound
- hairy conkers
- hairy Mary
- hairy ring
- hairy whizzer
- half a man
- half rice half chips
- half-mast
- halfpenny
- halve the crack
- ham and two eggs
- hamartophobia
- hammer
- hammock
- Hampton Wick
- hand book
- hand gig
- hand job house
- hand relief
- hand work
- hand-staff
- handful of pleasure, a
- handling the hard on
- handshaker
- handy work
- hang a goober
- hanging at the Y
- Hanging Johnny
- hankering
- Hansom cabs
- happy sack
- haptic
- hard baby
- hard labor
- hard-bit
- hard-leg (whore)
- hardcore
- Hardhat Harry
- haricot
- harm
- harpoon
- Harvard style
- hat job
- hatchway
- haunches
- have a banana with
- have a bent dick
- have a bit of crumpet
- have a bit of fun
- have a bit of mutton
- have a bit of skirt
- have a bit of tail
- have a bone-on
- have a box lunch
- have a bun in the oven
- have a cut off the joint
- have a date with a handkerchief
- have a fever
- have a good time (with)
- have a hard-on for
- have a horn
- have a jump with
- have a lech
- have a live sausage for supper
- have a naughty
- have a pash on
- have a poke
- have a roll in the hay
- have a seminal emission
- have a slice off the joint
- have a sperm attack
- have a tuna sandwich
- have a watermelon on the vine
- have a yen for
- have an itch for
- have brewer's droop
- have Chinese singing lesson
- have eyes for
- have fun
- have hot nuts for
- have intimate relations with
- have it dissolved
- have it in large gobs
- have it on
- have itchy pants
- have one off the wrist
- have one's banana peeled
- have one's cut
- have one's heart doing flip-flips
- have one's oats
- have ones greens
- have plenty of this and that
- have sex
- have sexual relations with
- have someone away
- have that funny feeling
- have the eye
- have the hots
- have the miseries
- have the tremors
- have union with
- having a conversation with the one-eyed trouser snake
- having a ham shank
- having a sherman
- having a tug
- having dinner
- having my monthlies
- having some clam dip
- hawk
- hawk one's mutton
- hawking
- he-ing and she-ing
- he-mannified
- he/she
- head cheese
- head gasket
- head over heels (in love)
- headcheese
- headlights
- healers
- hearing cheats
- heart line
- heart-crusher
- heart-to-heart
- heartbroken
- heat is on, the
- heavenly bliss
- heavy cruiser
- heavy leather
- heck bite
- hedge-creeper
- hedonophilia
- hee-haw with the wrinkled mee-maw
- heed nature's call
- hefty clefty
- heir-apparenting
- heliophobia
- Hellenic love
- help-spend
- hemaphobia
- hemophobia
- hen-pecker
- hepatitis B
- hereditary syphilis
- hermaphrodite
- hermaphy
- herp
- herpes simplex virus
- Hershey Bar route
- Hershey way
- het
- heteroclite
- heteroerotism
- heterosexism
- heterosexuality
- hey-hey hussy
- Hidden Bite
- hide
- hide the sausage
- hierophobia
- high Greek
- high priest of Paphos
- high tide
- high-voltage sheik
- hill-locks
- Hilltop Drive
- hind end
- hindside
- Hinterland
- hip-bath
- hippy-witch
- hircusophilism
- hirsutophilia
- hit
- hit it off
- hit skins
- hit the sack with
- hit the triangle
- hitch horses
- hitchhiker on the Hershey Highway
- hitchpussy
- hive it
- ho-handle
- hobeast
- hodophilia
- hog
- hogger
- hold in affection
- hold the bold
- holding your sausage hostage
- hole of content
- hole-of-holes
- holiday money
- Hollywood hustler
- holy deadlock
- holy week
- home brew
- home run
- homegirl
- homi-polone
- hominophobia
- homo-lover
- homoerotic
- homogenitalism
- homophile
- homophylophilia
- homosexuality
- homy
- honey
- honey pie
- honeycakes
- honeyfuggle
- honeypot
- honk for
- honking Bobo
- hood
- hoods
- hook
- hook up
- hooker's beat
- hoon
- hootananny
- hooters
- hop in the saddle
- hop on a babe
- hopping bug
- horizontal bop
- horizontal folk-dancing
- horizontal life
- horizontalize
- hormonal reassignment therapy
- horn mad
- horn-dog
- horniness
- hornyness
- horry
- horse around
- horse's hoof
- hose
- hosebag
- hot about
- hot back
- hot biscuit
- hot brains
- hot dog
- hot flame
- hot funky
- hot in the biscuit
- hot lay
- hot meat injection
- hot number
- hot piece of dark meat
- hot rod
- hot spot
- hot to trot
- hot wax
- hot-panted woman
- hotch
- hotel hotsy
- Hottentot apron
- hotter than Georgia asphalt
- house girl
- house of call
- house of ease
- house of ill fame
- house of office
- house of sale
- house of vulgar resort
- house-mother
- housemother
- hoydon
- hubby
- huffle
- hug the porcelain wishing well
- Hugh Jass
- hum-yum girl
- human reproductive organs
- hummer
- hump ribs
- hump your fist
- Humphreys
- humping the hose
- hung
- hung like a rabbit
- hunger
- hungry girl
- hunk of butt
- hunkies
- huntch
- hurt for
- hus-bond
- husbandman of nature
- hussy
- huzzie
- hydrophobia
- hygrophilematous
- hymenal
- hymeneal waterfall
- hymenotomy
- hypermasculinity
- hypersexual
- hyphephilia
- hypogastrian cranny
- hyposexuality
- hysterectomy
- hysterotomy
- habit that dare not speak its name
- hack the mack
- had'em
- haematophobia
- hag
- hair burger
- hair in hand
- hair-job
- Hairy back, bad in the sack
- hairy escutcheon
- hairy oracle
- hairy saddlebags
- hairy-chested
- half and half
- half-and-halfer
- half-pint
- halfway around the world
- halvsies
- ham howitzer
- hambone
- hammering
- hammock for two
- hams
- hand fuck
- hand jig
- hand labor
- hand shandy
- hand-made
- hand-warmers
- handfuls
- handmade
- handsome
- handy-dandy
- hang up one's hat
- hanging bacon
- hanging the old man
- hanky code
- haphephobia
- happy shopper
- harass
- hard breathing
- hard mack
- hard-boiled baby
- hard-on
- hardcore facial
- hardware
- harlot
- harness
- harpy
- has-been
- hat rack
- Hathor
- hausfrau
- have a bang
- have a bit
- have a bit of cunt
- have a bit of gutstick
- have a bit of navy cake
- have a bit of split mutton
- have a bit of the creamstick
- have a boner
- have a broken machine
- have a caller
- have a dame complex
- have a discharge
- have a friend
- have a gypsy's
- have a heart attack
- have a hot roll with cream
- have a knee trembler
- have a little death
- have a lollipop
- have a nibble
- have a passion for
- have a rattle
- have a roving eye
- have a sexual reflex
- have a small stroke
- have a sweet tooth for
- have a turn on one's back
- have a wet
- have affection for
- have another on the way
- have carnal knowledge
- have coition
- have eyes only for
- have fun with
- have hot pants
- have it away with
- have it hard
- have it in large helpings
- have it Reno'd
- have lead in one's pencil
- have one on the brain
- have one's bell rung
- have one's foul way with
- have one's heart flip flop
- have one's ticket punched
- have ones way with
- have plenty of what s/he's got
- have sex meat-to-meat
- have some cream sauce
- have someone by the short and curlies
- have the banana peeled
- have the flag out
- have the hots for
- have the ninety day blues
- have the urge to merge
- haveable
- having a date with Fisty Palmer
- having a J. Arthur
- having a technicolor laugh
- having a tug-of-war with the cyclops
- having grandmother to stay
- having one off the wrist
- having the painters in
- hawk one's brown
- hawk one's pearly
- hawking her meat
- HD
- he-ing it
- he-mannish
- head
- head cleaner
- head hunter
- head queen
- headers
- headliner
- health vibrator
- heart
- heart team
- heart-free
- heart-whole
- heartthrob
- heat seeking missile
- heavens above
- heavy crush
- heavy petting
- hecklace
- hedonism
- hedonophobia
- hee-haws
- heel
- heifer barn
- heir-conditioned
- hell
- helmet
- helping the python shed its skin
- hematophobia
- hemotigolagnia
- henpecked
- hepatitis C
- heredity
- hermaphrodite dyke
- hermit
- herped up
- herpetophobia
- Hershey highway
- herstory
- het film
- heterocoitus
- heteroflexible
- heterosexology
- heterosociality
- hey-nonny-no
- hidden queen
- hide the candy
- hide the weasel
- higgumbobs
- high heels fetish
- high Russian
- high-bellied
- higher Malthusianism
- hillnelly
- him-her
- Hindenburgs
- Hindustani jig
- hip chick
- hip-hitter
- hips, lips and armpits
- hirsute
- his lordship
- hit and miss
- hit on (someone)
- hit the deep
- hit the sheets
- hit-and-run marriage
- hitch to the wrong side of the post
- hitchhiking south
- hits both ways
- ho
- hobble
- hock
- hoe
- hog ranch
- hogs eye
- hold in high esteem
- holding my own
- hole
- hole out in one, a
- holemonger
- Holland
- Hollywooing
- holy knot, the
- holy-of-holies
- home cooking
- home sweet home
- homely
- homichlophobia
- homo mollis
- homo-milk
- homoeroticism
- homogenitality
- homophilia
- homos
- homosocial
- honchos
- honey dip
- honey pot
- honeydew melons
- honeymoon
- honeysuckle vine
- honker
- honky
- hood bondage
- hoodwink
- hook house
- hooked
- hookey
- hoop
- hootchie
- hoover
- hop into bed with
- hop up and down
- horatio
- horizontal bra
- horizontal hula
- horizontal mambo
- horizontally accessible
- hormone fix
- horn movie
- horned
- horns
- horror feminae
- horse and buggy fuggy
- horse breaker
- horse-fuck
- hose job
- hosing
- hot and bothered
- hot beaver shot
- hot bod
- hot buns
- hot dogging
- hot flash
- hot hole
- hot in the tail
- hot lead
- hot member
- hot nuts
- hot pockeroo
- hot rod it
- hot stuff
- hot tomato
- hot-arsed
- hot-pillow joint
- hotcha
- hotline
- hotter than a Fourth-of-July hoedown
- hotty
- house in the suburbs
- house of civil reception
- house of enjoyment
- house of ill repute
- house of pleasure
- house of shame
- house prostitute
- housebreaking the cat
- howitzers
- hub
- huddle
- huffling
- hug the throne
- hula-hooping
- human enema
- human scabies
- hummums
- hump the bump
- humper
- humpin' and bumpin'
- humpmobile
- hung like a bull
- hung like a stallion
- hunger for
- hunk
- hunk of frozen meat
- hunkorama
- huppah
- hurt not harm
- husband
- husk it
- hustle
- huzzlecoo
- hyelophobia
- hygrophilia
- hymenal ring
- hymenectomy
- hymie
- hypermenorrhea
- hypersexuality
- hypnophobia
- hypomastia
- hypothalamus
- hysterical paroxysm