Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
1. A prefix that is often misunderstood because it has two etymological meanings:-- a) From the Greek homos meaning same / the same, as in homosexuality (same-sex love), homogenous (uniform). (The opposite is hetero- from the Greek heteros meaning different from);
-- b) From the Latin homo, meaning human / human being (a member of the genus Homo), as in Homo-sapiens , hominophobia , homicide.
2. A combining form for words pertaining to homosexuals (same-sex lovers). In Greek , homo means the same as and is the basis for homo sexual, a lover of the same sex .
3. Homo , a widespread abbreviation of homosexual ; pejorative when used by heterosexuals to refer to a male or female homosexual ; homos , refers derogatorily to homosexuals in general. A gay man was once referred to as a four-letter-man (H-O-M-O).
Quote: Gay slogan: ' Homosexuality is not a four-letter-word .'
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