Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: he-she :

1. Bisexual. See bisexual for synonyms.

2. An effeminate homosexual male.

3. A masculine woman . Also, an extremely masculine, cross-dressing women or an aggressive lesbian .

4. A transsexual or someone undergoing sex reassignment surgery (temporary status for a male-to-female transsexual who has begun hormonal therapy but has not had surgery for removal of the testes and penis).

5. A male transvestite prostitute .

Quotes Containing he/she:
Laurence Olivier directed The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) and starred in it as Prince Regent Charles; Marilyn Monroe, who played the showgirl Elsie Marina, was always late on the set . Laurence asked Marilyn: 'Why can't you get here on time, for fuck's sake?' And she replied: 'Oh! Do you have that word in England, too?'
'She was so exquisite a Whore That in the Belly of her Mother Her Cunt was placed so right before Her father fucked them both together.' John Wilmot (1647-1680), 2nd Earl of Rochester wrote 'the dirtiest limerick ever written' for Nell Gwynn.
Anita Miller (Zooey Deschanel), Elaine Miller (Frances McDormand) and William Miller (Patrick Fugit) in Almost Famous (2000): - Anita: 'Feck you!' (...) - Elaine: 'Well there it is, your sister used the F-word .' - William: 'I think she said feck .' - Elaine: 'What's the difference?' - William: 'The letter u.'

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