

1. To masturbate or stimulate the female genitals .

2. To caress with a finger or fingers.

3. To give-someone-the-finger , to raise the middle-finger on a clenched fist in a insulting gesture suggesting to the insultee that they stick one just like it up their ass . Keanu Reeves in The Matrix (1999): ' How about I give you the finger and you give me my phone call? ' The gesture is sometimes accomplanied by the phrases: ' Sit on it and spin ' ( Pontiac Moon . 1994) or: ' Sit on it and rotate ' ( Down Periscope . 1998).

4. To finger somebody , in the police and criminal world , to inform on on somebody.

5. A measure of alcohol.

See Also: 3-4-2-5, 4-F(s), a-one and a-two and a-three, a2m, acupressure, anal masturbation, anal play, anal sexual play, analism, ass-to-mouth, backhand drive, bell ringers, big bird, bird, biteful, boy-dyke, brothel, buttered finger, camp culture, Carvel's ring, cleaning your fingers, cock-pluck, coitus inter digitae, cunniknismos, de-analize, digits, digitus infamis, dike, do the bowling hold, double event, DRE, fare un ditolino, feel one's way to heaven, fico, fig, finger, finger blasting, finger fuck, finger job, finger pie, five against one, five-finger Mary, five-fingered Annie, flip the bird, fly manually, flying manual, Four Fs, four sisters on thumb street, French tickler, fricatrix, frig, frigstress, give someone the bird, give someone the finger, give the fig, Hans Carvel's ring, hardcore pornography, hold a bowling ball, IBM, itch mite, karezza, kit-kat shuffler, KY jelly, Lady Five Fingers, let your fingers do the walking, little piggies, longer and linger, Lord knows where, Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters, Mary Palm, masturbate, masturbation-female, masturbator, masturbatoress, middle finger salute, Mother Fist and her five daughters, mount a corporal and four, Mrs. Hand and the five fingers, Mrs. Palm and her five daughters, old lady five fingers, piggies, pinky, plastercasters, play stink-anger, play stinky-pinky, press the button, pussy-whanker, Sarcoptes scabiei (hominis), scabies mite, scale, southern hemisphere, southern love, spit-fuck, spread shot, stink-finger, stinky-finger, stinky-pinky, sugar finger, tea towel holder, tenpin, thelemassation, throw a bird, thrum, ticklers, toby finger (salute), toby salute, veuve poignet, weasel buffer, wide-open beaver, wolfbagging

Quotes Containing finger:
Graffito: ''Man who go-to-bed-with problem in-hand wake up in the morning with solution at his finger tips. ''
Graffito: ''Man who go-to-bed-with problem in-hand wake up in the morning with solution at his finger tips. ''
Juliet Forrest (Rachel Ward) to Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''If you need me, just call. You know how to dial, don''t you? You just put your finger in the hole and make tiny little circles. ''
Juliet Forrest (Rachel Ward) to Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''If you need me, just call. You know how to dial, don''t you? You just put your finger in the hole and make tiny little circles. ''
Forrest (Rachel Ward) to Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''If you need me, just call. You know how to dial, don''t you? You just put your finger in the hole and make tiny little circles. ''
Reporter Virgil Whitaker (Hugh O'Connell) flirting with Mary Donnell (Bette Davis) in That Certain Woman (1937): - Virgil:'Look into my big honest grey eyes .' - Mary: 'With a pair of long sharp finger nails. '
''The little Dutch boy taught a lesson that I like / If you want to save your country , stick your finger in a dyke .'' Sung by the piano player for the lesbian in The Wild Party (1975)
The First Lady, Larramie Royce (Jill Ireland) to secret service agent Jay Killian (Charles Bronson) if he?s falling in-love-with the first lady in Assassination (1987):''Killian, these are Italian shoes. They qualify as a lethal weapon . You lay one finger on me and you?ll get one in the southern-hemisphere .''
Lt. Catherine Gates (Ann Sheridan) to Capt. Henri Rochard (Cary Grant) in I Was a Male War Bride (1949): ''I may as well warn you, bubble-mouth, that I''m going to carry a revolver and a trench knife and if you so much as lay a finger on me this trip , you''re going back to France minus a lot of parts you probably value.''
'If you need me, just call. You know how to dial, don't you? You just put your finger in the hole and make tiny little circles. ' Juliet Forrest (Rachel Ward) to Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)

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