

To penetrate with the penis .
See Also: a piece of meat, ampailang, ampallang, apadrayva, blood sports, blow hole, breast torture, butterfly board, cock and ball torture, cunnilinguist, cunning linguist, cunt torture, curtain rings, diath, female genitorture, hafada, hood, impale, infibulation, linguist, love emblem, piece of meat, tit discipline, tit torture, titty discipline, titty torture

Quotes Containing pierce:
Niles Crane (David Hyde Pierce) in Frasier (1993): 'Her lips were saying: No, but her eyes were saying: Read my lips .'
Ida (Eve Arden) to Mildred (Joan Crawford) about her terrible daughter Veda in Mildred Pierce (1945): ''Personally, Veda''s convinced me that alligators have the right idea; they eat their young.''
'You always were a cunning-linguist , James'. Money Penny to James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) in Tomorrow Never Dies (1998) James is at that time 'brushing up on a Little Danish' Britishers can't resist a pun, good or bad .
British agent 007 James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) loosing the first hand of baccara to Soviet agent Xena Onatopp (Famke Janssen) in GoldenEye (1995): - James: 'It appears we have the same passions. Three anyway.' - Xena: 'I count two. Motoring and baccara... I hope the third is where your real talent lies.' - James: 'One rises to meet a challenge.'
Ida (Eve Arden) to Mildred (Joan Crawford) about her terrible daughter Veda (Ann Blyth) in Mildred Pierce (1945): ''Personally, Veda''s convinced me that alligators have the right idea; they eat their young.''
Money Penny to James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) in Tomorrow Never Dies (1998): ''You always were a cunning-linguist , James''. James is at that time ''brushing up on a Little Danish''. Britishers can''t resist a pun, good or bad .''
Soviet agent Xena Onatopp (Famke Janssen) and British agent 007 James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) in GoldenEye (1995): - Xena Onatopp: ''You don''t need the gun , Commander.'' - James Bond: ''That depends on your definition of safe-sex .''

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