

1. Beautiful, pretty, attractive .

2. Having qualities that inspire love or affection . WordNet : ' Appealing to the emotions as well as the eye .'

3. In England, an attractive woman .

4. A lovely : a) From the late 1600s onward, a sweet woman of virtuous character, a genuinely nice person. b) In America in the 1930s, a great girl to go petting and necking with.

See Also: a bit of stuff, a piece of stuff, bint, eunuch, lovely, loverly, makeup, piece of stuff

Quotes Containing lovely:
Ingrid Bergman: ''A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.''
Lancelot (Richard Gere) in First Knicht (1995): ''I dare not kiss so lovely a lady . I have but one heart to lose.''
Lancelot (Richard Gere) in First Knicht (1995): ''I dare not kiss so lovely a lady . I have but one heart to lose.''
Connie Randall (Carole Lombard) to Jerry 'Babe' Stewart (Clark Gable) in No Man of Her Own (1932): 'Just a New York cowboy , aren't you? Passing through and giving the little small town girl her big-moment . You'd be lovely to have around just to sprinkle the flowers with your personality.'
''Her hair was the color of gold in old paintings. She had a full set of curves which nobody had been able to improve upon. She was giving me the kind of look I could feel in my hip pocket.'' Philip Marlowe (Robert Mitchum) speaking about Velma Grayle (Charlotte Rampling) in Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Lynn (John Wayne) and Sabra (Frances Dee) in Wheel of Fortune (1941): - Lynn: ''You know , you''d be lovely if you had brown hair.'' - Sara: ''I have brown hair.''

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