

Or: Jill , a girl , based on the nursery rhyme Jack-and-Jill .
SEE ALSO: gill .
See Also: Jack and Jill, jill, jill off, male chauvinist pig, MCP, southern hemisphere

Quotes Containing jill:
Larry Sebastian (Melvyn Douglas) engaged to Jill Baker (Merle Oberon) in That Uncertain Feeling (1942): - Larry:''Let me warn you. I say what I think. I''m a complete individualist. I''m against communism, capitalism, fascism, nazism. I''m against everything and everybody. I hate my fellow man and he hates me.'' - Jill: ''Sounds rather amusing.''
Larry (Melvyn Douglas) ans to Jill (Merle Oberon) in That Uncertain Feeling (1942): - Larry Sebastian: ''Let me warn you. I say what I think. I''m a complete individualist. I''m against communism, capitalism, fascism, nazism. I''m against everything and everybody. I hate my fellow man and he hates me.'' - Jill Baker: ''Sounds rather amusing.''
Ruth (Jill Clayburgh) and Dan (Walter Matthau) in First Monday in October (1981): - Ruth Loomis: ''You''re an arrogant, self-centered, male-chauvinist-pig .'' - Dan Snow: ''You''re just being sweet to me because I''m a man .''
The First Lady, Larramie Royce (Jill Ireland) to secret service agent Jay Killian (Charles Bronson) if he?s falling in-love-with the first lady in Assassination (1987):''Killian, these are Italian shoes. They qualify as a lethal weapon . You lay one finger on me and you?ll get one in the southern-hemisphere .''
Erica Benton (Jill Clayburgh) in An Unmarried Woman (1978): ''Balls! said the Queen. If I had ''em I''d be King. '' A rewording of: ''Balls! said the Queen. If I had two, I could be King. '' (If I had ''em I''d be king .) George Burns: ''If my aunt had balls , shed be my uncle .''
''You city people. You''re all warm like dishwater. That don''t do nobody no good. (...) I mean you don''t run hot or cold . You should be one or the other, hot or cold , one or the other.'' Ruth Sullivan (Barbara Hershey) in the Louisiana Bayou to her visiting New York cousin Diana Sullivan (Jill Clayburgh) in Shy People (1987)

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