Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


(A man with) a small penis . Demeaning term of address. See penis for synonyms.

QUOTE: Sandy (Bette Midler) to a cop in Outrageous Fortune (1987): ' Does the phrase needle-dick, the bug-fucker , mean anything to you? '

See Also: belonephilia, bug-fucker, charactronym, dick head, dick wad, dick weed, dick with, dick-drinker, Dickless Tracy, dicky-licker, dicky-taster, DSL, fucker, Little Dickie, needle, needle-dick, pansy, Richard

Quotes Containing needle-dick:
Sandy (Bette Midler) to a cop in Outrageous Fortune (1987): ''Does the phrase needle-dick , the bug-fucker , mean anything to you?''

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