Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Classified ads abbreviation for Good In Bed.
See Also: unspoken language (of love)

Quotes Containing GIB:
Jimbo (Joshua Cadman) teaching Gib/Walter Gibson (John Cusack) his method of flirting with girls in The Sure Thing (1985): ''We speak the unspoken language... fluently.''
Lance (Anthony Edwards) to Walter 'Gib' Gibson (John Cusack) before introducing him to The Sure Thing (1985): 'Tonight is the first night of the rest of your sex-life .'
'We speak the unspoken language... fluently.' Jimbo (Joshua Cadman) teaching Walter 'Gib' Gibson (John Cusack) his method of flirting with girls in The Sure Thing (1985)

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