Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
vagina dentata:
Or: vagina-dententa , Latin for vagina with teeth or toothed vagina . In psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious fantasy that the vagina contains teeth that can castrate a male during coition ; this fantasy is said to be based, in males, on castration anxiety, and in females, on penis-envy and a subconscious desire to castrate the males out of revenge. The image of a toothed vagina may also represent a man's fear of sex and/or women. Fear and/or loathing of the vagina is apparent in slang words based on the image of a voracious mouth that eats, sucks and swallows the penis or eats the penis and swallows semen : bite , biter , box-with-teeth , dark-hole , delicate-glutton , dumb-glutton , eel-skinner , flycage, fool-trap , growler , man-trap , mangle , manhole , mark-of-the-beast , mouse-trap , nasty , pit-mouth , prick skinner, rasp , rattlesnake-canyon , snapper , snatch , snatch blatch, snatch box , suck-and-swallow ; wastepipe. See vagina for synonyms.QUOTE: Andrew Dice Clay guest starring on the Rodney Dangerfield comedy special Nothin' Goes Right (1988): ' Have you ever seen a vagina up close? It's frightening! It's like a haunted house down-there . It's covered with shrubbery and weeds... You've gotta cut through with a machete .'
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