Or: dike : 1. A lesbian , especially an aggressively masculine lesbian , often tough or sadistic.
Synonyms: boon-dagger ; boonch ; bootch ; bull ; bull-bitch ; bull-dagger ; bull-dike(r); bull-dogger ; bumper ; butch ; butch-lesbian ; butch-dagger ; butz ; diesel-dyke ; dike ; top-sergeant .
See also: baby-butch ; baby-dyke ; boy dyke; buildiking ; camper ; dinky-dyke ; gaychick ; molly-dyke ; semi-diesel ; soft-butch ; stone-butch ; stone-femme .
Quote: 'The little Dutch boy taught a lesson that I like / If you want to save your country , stick your finger in a dyke.' Sung by the piano player for the lesbian in The Wild Party (1975).
2. Obsolete, 19 th century term meaning to dress up fancily.
3. Obsolete in the 19 th century sense of vagina regarded, like drain, ditch and gutter , as a dirty place .
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