

Or: wang , the penis . See penis for synonyms.
See Also: drag queen, sizzling, wang, whanger

Quotes Containing wong:
Chichi Rodriquez (John Leguizamo) to Vita Boheme (Patrick Swayze) in To Wong Foo. Thanks for Everything. Julie Newmar (1995): ''Vita, you know , you''re not a queen because you rule people or you sit-on-the-throne , baby , you''re a queen because you couldn''t cut it as a man so you had to put on a dress.''
Chichi Rodriquez (John Leguizamo) to Vita Boheme (Patrick Swayze) in To Wong Foo. Thanks for Everything. Julie Newmar (1995): ''Vita, you know , you''re not a queen because you rule people or you sit-on-the-throne , baby , you''re a queen because you couldn''t cut it as a man so you had to put on a dress.''
Drag queens Noxema/Zima Jackson/Auntie Noxy (Wesley Snipes) and Chichi Rodriquez (John Leguizamo) in To Wong Foo. Thanks for Everything. Julie Newmar (1995): - Noxema: ''Darling, if you''re going to become a drag-queen , you''re gonna have to learn these things. '' - Chichi: ''What do you mean ''a drag queen''? I am a drag queen!'' - Noxema: ''Oh, child, no , no , no . You''re simply a boy in a dress. When a straight man puts a dress and gets his sexual kick he is a transvestite ; when a man is a woman trapped in a man''s body and has the little operation he is a transsexual ; (...) when a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag-queen . (...) And when a light little Latin boy puts on a dress he is simply a boy in a dress.'' In the end , they agree to give Chichi the temporary title of ''drag princess .''

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