

1. Prostitution.

2. Sexual intercourse .

3. The flow or availability of sex partners.

See Also: Bumper Kiss

Quotes Containing traffic:
Gwyn (Sarah Jessica Parker) at the end of Miami Rhapsody (1994): 'I guess I look at marriage sort of the same way I look at Miami: It's hot and it's stormy and it's, you know , it's occasionally a little dangerous, but if it's really so awful then why is there still so much traffic?'
Gwyn (Sarah Jessica Parker) at the end of Miami Rhapsody (1994): 'I guess I look at marriage sort of the same way I look at Miami: It's hot and it's stormy and it's, you know , it's occasionally a little dangerous, but if it's really so awful then why is there still so much traffic?'

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