

1. The penis . See penis for synonyms.

2. The female genitalia and pubic-hair . See vagina for synonyms.

3. Britishism from the 19 th century for both a prostitute and a pimp , especially if involved in a badger-game . See prostitute for synonyms.

See Also: badger, badger game, growl at the biter, hung, take someone, temptation, well-hung

Quotes Containing badger:
Duchess (Barbara Hershey) to Tommy (Eric Idle) in Splitting Heirs (1993): - Duchess Lucinda: ''You remind me of my late husband . (...) He was hung like a badger .'' - Tommy Patel: ''Really? Is that good?'' - Duchess Lucinda: ''Only if you''re a badger .''
Duchess Lucinda (Barbara Hershey) to Tommy Patel (Eric Idle) in Splitting Heirs (1993). - Duchess: ''You remind me of my late husband . (...) He was hung like a badger .'' - Tommy: ''Really? Is that good?'' - Duchess: ''Only if you''re a badger .''

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