

More rarely: love-making :

1. Flirting, wooing, showing one's feelings of affection by speaking suitably chosen words; courtship.

QUOTE: Mike Brandon (Gary Cooper) proposing to Nicole de Loiselle (Claudette Colbert) in Bluebeard's Eight Wife (1938): ' Lovemaking is the red tape of marriage .'

2. Sexual activity between two people, especially sexual-intercourse . See copulation for synonyms.

QUOTE: Agent WD40, Dick Steel (Leslie Nielsen) to the spy in his bed in Spy Hard (1998): ' Don't thank me, darling . The art of lovemaking takes two... sometimes three or four depending on how well you do at the crap tables .'

See Also: all-night movie, all-nighter, amomaxia, amorous rites, art of pleasure, artist, artiste, basket making, between the sheets, biffin, boustrophate, Chueh-Chen, coithesis, damp patch, figura veneris prima, figurae veneris, lovemaking, matinee, a, mooky, position, trick, watch queen, wet patch, wet spot

Quotes Containing lovemaking:
Agent WD40, Dick Steel (Leslie Nielsen) to the spy in his bed in Spy Hard (1998): ''Don''t thank me, darling . The art of lovemaking takes two... sometimes three or four depending on how well you do at the crap tables.''

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