Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

women's terms:

A euphemism for the menstrual period . See menstruation for synonyms.
See Also: atom bombs, banbury, bed bargain, bell peppers, big O, blacksmiths shop, bobtail, bonnet, booby trap, bremelo, brim, brimstone, bubby hammock, bulbs, catamenia, catamenial discharge, colpette, controsexual, cookie, cotquean, cow, cow-climbing, crackish, creamie, dainties, deflowering, dolly bird, fanny magnet, female orgasmic dysfunction, fizgig, full load, gigsy, girlie, herosexual, hog, horror feminae, horse breaker, hotter than a red firewagon, howitzers, jade, jay, Jewess, lady hotbot, lady lover, love pillows, low rent, lowie, lust dog, luvvy, mammets, mangoes, minger, Miss Hotbot, mot, mulligans, mutton-monger, muttoner, nacks, nylon milk pails, oncer, penis equivalent, penis femineus, poodle, poundcake, proxenetism, quiff hunter, rifle, scuzz, shag-bag, shaggable, Sheila, smockface, speed bumps, sweater dandies, sweet patootie, sweet potato pie, technodynamia, tit-bag, tit-hammock, tomato, twin lovelies, wagtail, wallet girl, yummy, zulubruiser

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