Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

virgin's release:

Of a female, to masturbate . See masturbation-female for synonyms.
See Also: acrosomal reaction, acrosome reaction, Are you keeping it for the worms?, Are you saving it for the worms?, battered, Betty Swollocks, blaze the trail, blazer, blowing an arsenut, blown safe, break a crust, break her leg above the knee, broach claret, brown cherry, burn bad powder, cherry girl, cherry harvest, cherry pie, cherrypop, chicken butcher, coitus virgineus, crack a crib, crack a crust, crack a Jane, crack the teapot, cracked mortar, crowbar, cunt fart, cut the cake, deflorate, defloration, deflower, deflowered, demi-vierge, despoil, dock at harbor, first-timer, give one a past, golden screw, have one's cherry, hymenally challenged, inexperienced, innocent girl, lost her cherry, make damaged goods, ovum, papa cherry, parthenophobia, pick a lock, pick the lock, pluck a cherry, pluck the bean, pop a cherry, pop the puss, prune, punch a hole, Roman engagement, ruin the rug, saving it for marriage, saving it for the worms, split a sheet, split the cup, take away the prime beauty of, tried, trim and buff, Turkish delight, twat-hungry, undamaged goods, undeflowered, unvirgin, virginhead, Virginia, virgo intacta, vurgin, wreck a maidenhead

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