Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter R
- R-2
- R2 your D2
- rabbit died, the
- rack off
- rag
- ragging
- rails
- raise it
- raising Lazarus from the dead
- rake your meat
- ram charger
- ram your rod
- Ramona Rottencrotch
- randy
- ranlum scrantum
- rap club
- rapemobile
- raptophilia
- rasher
- raspberry ripple
- rat-arsed
- ratchet-mouth
- rattle the (giddy) beads
- rattlesnake canyon
- raven beauty
- raw meat
- reach sexual climax
- reading in Braille
- ready for Freddy
- real stunner
- reamo ream
- rear entrance
- reary
- receive holy communion
- receptive pudendum
- rectatim
- red ace
- red eye
- red lighterie
- red scatter
- red tummy ache
- red-haired visitor
- red-light house
- redcap
- ree-langers
- regurgitate
- reject
- relaxation rubdown
- relieving tension
- Reno-vation
- renovate
- rent boy
- rents
- reproductive health
- respectable whore
- retreat to one's sanctum sanctorium
- revere
- reverse cleavage
- rhabdophobia
- rhubard
- rib cushions
- rice pudding
- rickety-raw
- ride a rantipole
- ride St. George
- ride the deck
- ride the porcelain Honda
- ride the spike
- ride up the dirt road
- riding bareback
- riding St. George
- riding the cotton bicycle
- riding the nag
- riding the wild hand
- right hip pocket
- rigid digit
- rimadonna
- rinctum
- ring her bell
- ring someone's chimes
- ringbarked
- Rino Tama
- rip off a quick piece
- rising beauties
- rites of spring
- roach and dace
- road game
- road to a christening
- roaring jack
- Roche
- rock formation
- rocket socket
- rocks and boulders
- rod
- rodding
- roe
- rogue
- roll one's eyes at
- rollies
- rolling the dough
- rollocks
- Roman engagement
- romance
- romancing thy own
- Romeo
- Ronce
- rooster
- rooter
- rooty
- roping the long horn
- Rory O'More
- rose between two thorns
- roses
- rosy palmed
- rotund
- rough-rider
- round house
- round-brown
- rounders
- roundheeler
- rout
- row the little man in the boat
- royal jelly
- RR 1
- rub bellies
- rub leather
- rub one out
- rub the magic lamp
- rub your cooze 'til you ooze
- rubadub
- rubber duck
- rubber Johnny
- rubber tire
- rubbing the donut
- rubbing the nubbin
- rubbing uglies
- rubigo
- rudder
- ruffian
- rug rat
- rum
- rumble
- rump
- rump-splitter
- rumple foreskin
- rumpus delecti
- run a batch
- run after
- run one's hand up the flagpole
- run with the world
- running off a batch by hand
- running the whack-a-thon
- Rural Route
- rush the can
- Russian duck
- rusty washer
- rutting
- RV
- R-Rated
- rabbied
- rabbit pie
- rack salesman
- rag box
- ragmop
- raincoat
- raise the flag
- raising the mainsail
- raking the leaves
- ram job
- ram-bam-thank-you-ma'am
- ramrod
- ranger
- rantallion
- rap parlor
- rapid one arm pull-ups
- rapture
- rasp
- raspberry tart
- rat-hole
- rattle
- rattler
- rattletrap
- raver
- raw sex
- reach the big O
- reading poetry
- ready to drop
- ream
- rear
- rear entry
- rebel
- receiver general
- recky
- Rector of the Females
- red baron
- red flag, the
- red lobster
- Red Sea
- red wings
- red-hot
- red-light sister
- redingote d'Angleterre
- reel in the biscuit
- rehearsing lullabies
- rejection
- release one
- renegade
- renokay
- renovation
- rent girl
- reproducing
- reproductive organs
- rest and be thankful
- retreat to the holy of holies
- Reverend Knox
- reverse cowgirl
- rheomism
- rhypophobia
- rib-joint
- rich cream sauce
- ride rantipole
- ride the cotton mouse
- ride the great white knuckler
- ride the rag
- ride the tubespout
- rider
- riding crop
- riding the baloney pony
- riding the crimson wave
- riding the rag
- rifle
- right of the first night
- rim job
- rimmer
- ring
- ring snatcher
- ring the chimes
- ringing for the elevator
- rip
- ripper
- risqué
- rites of Venus
- Roaches
- road kid
- road up for repair
- roasting chestnuts
- rock
- rock python
- rocking chair
- rocks off
- rod of love
- rodger
- roger
- Rohypnol
- roll the rolls
- rolling
- rolling the fleshy blunt
- rolls
- Roman helmet rumba
- romancing Lady Five Fingers
- romantic affair
- Romeo and himself
- Roofies
- root
- rootin-tooter
- Rope
- roping the pony
- roscas
- rosebud
- roses and raptures
- rosy red reproductive rod
- rough-and-ready
- rough-riding
- round out
- round-eye
- roundhead
- roundheels
- route 69
- rowing the boat
- royal jewels
- RR 2
- rub freak
- rub off
- rub parlor
- rub the radish
- rub-a-dub
- rubber
- rubber ducky
- rubber necking
- rubbin nubbin
- rubbing the love nubbin
- rubbing the pink eraser
- rubbins
- ruby rose
- rude bits
- Ruffies
- ruin the rug
- rum blowen
- rumble seat
- rump work
- rump-splitting
- rumpo
- rumpy
- run a temp over
- run off
- run out of bullets
- runcible
- running Peter through two-a-days
- runs, the
- Rural Route 1
- Russian
- Russian salad party
- rusty water
- rutting time
- ryde
- R.A.F.
- rabbit
- racks
- rag cheese
- rags
- raise a gallop
- raise wind
- rake
- ralph
- ram the dam
- rammer
- ranchera
- Rangoon runs
- rantipole
- rap studio
- rapism
- rare piece of dark meat
- raspberries
- rasper
- rat-trap
- rattle and hiss
- rattlers
- ravage the innocent
- ravish
- reach a climax
- read Braille
- reading with one hand
- ready to spit
- ream job
- rear admiral
- rear guard
- recast male
- receiving chamber
- Recombivax HB
- rectouterine excavation
- red cap
- red hot poker
- red rag
- red sister
- red-appler
- red-light
- red-light worker
- redneck
- reeling in the fish
- rehitch
- relations
- relief massage
- reno-it
- renorush
- renoverboarding
- rent-a-body business
- reproductive fluid
- reproductive responsability
- retch
- retrograde urethrogram
- Reverend Ronald Knox
- reverse diarrhea
- rheomist
- rhytiphobia
- ribald
- Richard
- ride
- ride Saint George
- ride the cotton pony
- ride the hobby horse
- ride the red horse
- ride the tubsput
- riders
- riding in another mans saddle
- riding the bitch's seat
- riding the elephant trunk of joy
- riding the unicycle
- rig
- right sort
- rim queen
- rimming
- ring around the rosey
- ring snatching
- ring the stork bell
- ringing southern bells
- rip her guts down
- rise in the Levis
- rita
- ritzy
- Roachies
- road less traveled
- roarer
- rob the cradle
- rock (someone's) world
- rock whore
- rocking the little man in the boat
- rocky road
- rod-on
- rodgering
- Roger the Lodger
- roll
- roll-dog
- rolling about
- rolling the mink
- roly-poly
- Roman historian
- romancing the bone
- romantosexual
- romp
- roomie
- root dyke
- rooting
- ropemaster
- roping the pope
- rose
- rosebuds
- rosey
- roto-rooter
- rough-and-tumble
- rough-trade
- round pussy
- round-mouth
- roundheel
- roundies
- route sixty-nine
- royal buns
- rozzer
- RR 3
- rub groins together
- rub off by hand
- rub the (little) head
- rub the tub
- rub-a-tug shop
- rubber boots
- rubber flexes
- rubber queen
- rubbing bacons
- rubbing the magic one-eyed wonder weasel
- rubbing the red pussycat
- Rubenesque
- rubyfruit
- rude parts
- rug
- rule of abstinence
- rum doxy
- rumbusticate
- rump-ranger
- rumpal mounds
- rumpty-tumpty
- rumpy-bumpy
- run a temperature
- run off by hand
- run to seed
- running a temperature
- running the 100-yard dash
- runts
- Rural Route 2
- Russian arts
- rusty
- rusty-dusty
- ruttish
- RZ
- R/S
- rabbit catcher
- rack monster
- radish
- rag time
- ragtime girl
- raise hell
- raisin bag
- rake out
- ram
- ram the ham
- ramming
- rancid flower
- rank
- rantum scantum
- rape drugs
- rapt
- raree show
- raspberry
- rat
- ratchet-jaw
- rattle shopping
- rattlesnake
- rave
- raw
- reach climax
- read the beads
- ready for action
- real babe
- reamer
- rear end
- rear specialist
- receding hairline
- receiving set
- recreational sex
- rectouterine pouch
- red dog on a white horse
- red lane
- red sails in the sunset
- red snapper
- red-assed
- red-light districk
- red-lighter
- redneck foreplay
- regular trick
- rehitched
- relationship
- relieve oneself
- Reno-vate
- renounce bachelorhood
- Renovorce
- renter
- reproductive freedom
- reputation
- retie the knot
- returning to sender
- reverse anal cowgirl
- rheononia
- rib
- ribald gent
- Richard the Third
- ride a blind piece
- ride sidesaddle
- ride the curl
- ride the porcelain bus
- ride the silver steed
- ride the wild pony
- rides a bicycle
- riding jacket
- riding the clitoris-saurus
- riding the great white knuckler
- riding the waterslide
- rig a jig
- right-handed
- rim slide
- Rimsky
- ring for the maid
- ring someone's bell
- ring-tail
- ringpiece
- rip off
- rise, a
- rites of love
- RM
- road
- road queen
- roaring horn
- rob the ruffian
- rock and roll
- rocket
- rocks
- rocky roading
- rod-walloping
- Rodney
- rogering
- roll in the hay
- roller
- rolling pin
- rolling your own
- Roman candle
- Roman night
- romancing the rose
- romantricks
- romping
- roomy
- root suit
- rootle
- Rophies
- roploplos
- rose among thorns
- rosebush
- Rosy O'More
- rotten crotch
- rough-o
- roughing up the suspect
- round the world
- rounder
- roundheeled gal
- roust
- roving eye
- royal fucking, a
- RR
- rub
- rub it off
- rub offal
- rub the knob
- rub up
- rub-belly
- rubber cooky
- rubber goods
- rubber sock
- rubbing one out
- rubbing the nub
- rubbing the rod
- rubies
- rubyfruit jungle
- ruff the muff
- rug muncher
- rule of three
- rum mort
- rummage
- rump-shaker
- rumper
- rumpus
- rumpy-pumpy
- run a temperature over
- run one's eyes over
- run up the pressure
- running down the game
- running the cheeta
- Rupert
- Rural Route 3
- Russian culture
- rusty bullethole
- rutter
- rutty
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter R
- R-2
- R2 your D2
- rabbit died, the
- rack off
- rag
- ragging
- rails
- raise it
- raising Lazarus from the dead
- rake your meat
- ram charger
- ram your rod
- Ramona Rottencrotch
- randy
- ranlum scrantum
- rap club
- rapemobile
- raptophilia
- rasher
- raspberry ripple
- rat-arsed
- ratchet-mouth
- rattle the (giddy) beads
- rattlesnake canyon
- raven beauty
- raw meat
- reach sexual climax
- reading in Braille
- ready for Freddy
- real stunner
- reamo ream
- rear entrance
- reary
- receive holy communion
- receptive pudendum
- rectatim
- red ace
- red eye
- red lighterie
- red scatter
- red tummy ache
- red-haired visitor
- red-light house
- redcap
- ree-langers
- regurgitate
- reject
- relaxation rubdown
- relieving tension
- Reno-vation
- renovate
- rent boy
- rents
- reproductive health
- respectable whore
- retreat to one's sanctum sanctorium
- revere
- reverse cleavage
- rhabdophobia
- rhubard
- rib cushions
- rice pudding
- rickety-raw
- ride a rantipole
- ride St. George
- ride the deck
- ride the porcelain Honda
- ride the spike
- ride up the dirt road
- riding bareback
- riding St. George
- riding the cotton bicycle
- riding the nag
- riding the wild hand
- right hip pocket
- rigid digit
- rimadonna
- rinctum
- ring her bell
- ring someone's chimes
- ringbarked
- Rino Tama
- rip off a quick piece
- rising beauties
- rites of spring
- roach and dace
- road game
- road to a christening
- roaring jack
- Roche
- rock formation
- rocket socket
- rocks and boulders
- rod
- rodding
- roe
- rogue
- roll one's eyes at
- rollies
- rolling the dough
- rollocks
- Roman engagement
- romance
- romancing thy own
- Romeo
- Ronce
- rooster
- rooter
- rooty
- roping the long horn
- Rory O'More
- rose between two thorns
- roses
- rosy palmed
- rotund
- rough-rider
- round house
- round-brown
- rounders
- roundheeler
- rout
- row the little man in the boat
- royal jelly
- RR 1
- rub bellies
- rub leather
- rub one out
- rub the magic lamp
- rub your cooze 'til you ooze
- rubadub
- rubber duck
- rubber Johnny
- rubber tire
- rubbing the donut
- rubbing the nubbin
- rubbing uglies
- rubigo
- rudder
- ruffian
- rug rat
- rum
- rumble
- rump
- rump-splitter
- rumple foreskin
- rumpus delecti
- run a batch
- run after
- run one's hand up the flagpole
- run with the world
- running off a batch by hand
- running the whack-a-thon
- Rural Route
- rush the can
- Russian duck
- rusty washer
- rutting
- RV
- R-Rated
- rabbied
- rabbit pie
- rack salesman
- rag box
- ragmop
- raincoat
- raise the flag
- raising the mainsail
- raking the leaves
- ram job
- ram-bam-thank-you-ma'am
- ramrod
- ranger
- rantallion
- rap parlor
- rapid one arm pull-ups
- rapture
- rasp
- raspberry tart
- rat-hole
- rattle
- rattler
- rattletrap
- raver
- raw sex
- reach the big O
- reading poetry
- ready to drop
- ream
- rear
- rear entry
- rebel
- receiver general
- recky
- Rector of the Females
- red baron
- red flag, the
- red lobster
- Red Sea
- red wings
- red-hot
- red-light sister
- redingote d'Angleterre
- reel in the biscuit
- rehearsing lullabies
- rejection
- release one
- renegade
- renokay
- renovation
- rent girl
- reproducing
- reproductive organs
- rest and be thankful
- retreat to the holy of holies
- Reverend Knox
- reverse cowgirl
- rheomism
- rhypophobia
- rib-joint
- rich cream sauce
- ride rantipole
- ride the cotton mouse
- ride the great white knuckler
- ride the rag
- ride the tubespout
- rider
- riding crop
- riding the baloney pony
- riding the crimson wave
- riding the rag
- rifle
- right of the first night
- rim job
- rimmer
- ring
- ring snatcher
- ring the chimes
- ringing for the elevator
- rip
- ripper
- risqué
- rites of Venus
- Roaches
- road kid
- road up for repair
- roasting chestnuts
- rock
- rock python
- rocking chair
- rocks off
- rod of love
- rodger
- roger
- Rohypnol
- roll the rolls
- rolling
- rolling the fleshy blunt
- rolls
- Roman helmet rumba
- romancing Lady Five Fingers
- romantic affair
- Romeo and himself
- Roofies
- root
- rootin-tooter
- Rope
- roping the pony
- roscas
- rosebud
- roses and raptures
- rosy red reproductive rod
- rough-and-ready
- rough-riding
- round out
- round-eye
- roundhead
- roundheels
- route 69
- rowing the boat
- royal jewels
- RR 2
- rub freak
- rub off
- rub parlor
- rub the radish
- rub-a-dub
- rubber
- rubber ducky
- rubber necking
- rubbin nubbin
- rubbing the love nubbin
- rubbing the pink eraser
- rubbins
- ruby rose
- rude bits
- Ruffies
- ruin the rug
- rum blowen
- rumble seat
- rump work
- rump-splitting
- rumpo
- rumpy
- run a temp over
- run off
- run out of bullets
- runcible
- running Peter through two-a-days
- runs, the
- Rural Route 1
- Russian
- Russian salad party
- rusty water
- rutting time
- ryde
- R.A.F.
- rabbit
- racks
- rag cheese
- rags
- raise a gallop
- raise wind
- rake
- ralph
- ram the dam
- rammer
- ranchera
- Rangoon runs
- rantipole
- rap studio
- rapism
- rare piece of dark meat
- raspberries
- rasper
- rat-trap
- rattle and hiss
- rattlers
- ravage the innocent
- ravish
- reach a climax
- read Braille
- reading with one hand
- ready to spit
- ream job
- rear admiral
- rear guard
- recast male
- receiving chamber
- Recombivax HB
- rectouterine excavation
- red cap
- red hot poker
- red rag
- red sister
- red-appler
- red-light
- red-light worker
- redneck
- reeling in the fish
- rehitch
- relations
- relief massage
- reno-it
- renorush
- renoverboarding
- rent-a-body business
- reproductive fluid
- reproductive responsability
- retch
- retrograde urethrogram
- Reverend Ronald Knox
- reverse diarrhea
- rheomist
- rhytiphobia
- ribald
- Richard
- ride
- ride Saint George
- ride the cotton pony
- ride the hobby horse
- ride the red horse
- ride the tubsput
- riders
- riding in another mans saddle
- riding the bitch's seat
- riding the elephant trunk of joy
- riding the unicycle
- rig
- right sort
- rim queen
- rimming
- ring around the rosey
- ring snatching
- ring the stork bell
- ringing southern bells
- rip her guts down
- rise in the Levis
- rita
- ritzy
- Roachies
- road less traveled
- roarer
- rob the cradle
- rock (someone's) world
- rock whore
- rocking the little man in the boat
- rocky road
- rod-on
- rodgering
- Roger the Lodger
- roll
- roll-dog
- rolling about
- rolling the mink
- roly-poly
- Roman historian
- romancing the bone
- romantosexual
- romp
- roomie
- root dyke
- rooting
- ropemaster
- roping the pope
- rose
- rosebuds
- rosey
- roto-rooter
- rough-and-tumble
- rough-trade
- round pussy
- round-mouth
- roundheel
- roundies
- route sixty-nine
- royal buns
- rozzer
- RR 3
- rub groins together
- rub off by hand
- rub the (little) head
- rub the tub
- rub-a-tug shop
- rubber boots
- rubber flexes
- rubber queen
- rubbing bacons
- rubbing the magic one-eyed wonder weasel
- rubbing the red pussycat
- Rubenesque
- rubyfruit
- rude parts
- rug
- rule of abstinence
- rum doxy
- rumbusticate
- rump-ranger
- rumpal mounds
- rumpty-tumpty
- rumpy-bumpy
- run a temperature
- run off by hand
- run to seed
- running a temperature
- running the 100-yard dash
- runts
- Rural Route 2
- Russian arts
- rusty
- rusty-dusty
- ruttish
- RZ
- R/S
- rabbit catcher
- rack monster
- radish
- rag time
- ragtime girl
- raise hell
- raisin bag
- rake out
- ram
- ram the ham
- ramming
- rancid flower
- rank
- rantum scantum
- rape drugs
- rapt
- raree show
- raspberry
- rat
- ratchet-jaw
- rattle shopping
- rattlesnake
- rave
- raw
- reach climax
- read the beads
- ready for action
- real babe
- reamer
- rear end
- rear specialist
- receding hairline
- receiving set
- recreational sex
- rectouterine pouch
- red dog on a white horse
- red lane
- red sails in the sunset
- red snapper
- red-assed
- red-light districk
- red-lighter
- redneck foreplay
- regular trick
- rehitched
- relationship
- relieve oneself
- Reno-vate
- renounce bachelorhood
- Renovorce
- renter
- reproductive freedom
- reputation
- retie the knot
- returning to sender
- reverse anal cowgirl
- rheononia
- rib
- ribald gent
- Richard the Third
- ride a blind piece
- ride sidesaddle
- ride the curl
- ride the porcelain bus
- ride the silver steed
- ride the wild pony
- rides a bicycle
- riding jacket
- riding the clitoris-saurus
- riding the great white knuckler
- riding the waterslide
- rig a jig
- right-handed
- rim slide
- Rimsky
- ring for the maid
- ring someone's bell
- ring-tail
- ringpiece
- rip off
- rise, a
- rites of love
- RM
- road
- road queen
- roaring horn
- rob the ruffian
- rock and roll
- rocket
- rocks
- rocky roading
- rod-walloping
- Rodney
- rogering
- roll in the hay
- roller
- rolling pin
- rolling your own
- Roman candle
- Roman night
- romancing the rose
- romantricks
- romping
- roomy
- root suit
- rootle
- Rophies
- roploplos
- rose among thorns
- rosebush
- Rosy O'More
- rotten crotch
- rough-o
- roughing up the suspect
- round the world
- rounder
- roundheeled gal
- roust
- roving eye
- royal fucking, a
- RR
- rub
- rub it off
- rub offal
- rub the knob
- rub up
- rub-belly
- rubber cooky
- rubber goods
- rubber sock
- rubbing one out
- rubbing the nub
- rubbing the rod
- rubies
- rubyfruit jungle
- ruff the muff
- rug muncher
- rule of three
- rum mort
- rummage
- rump-shaker
- rumper
- rumpus
- rumpy-pumpy
- run a temperature over
- run one's eyes over
- run up the pressure
- running down the game
- running the cheeta
- Rupert
- Rural Route 3
- Russian culture
- rusty bullethole
- rutter
- rutty