Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

joy boy:

A (young) male homosexual . Dated 1960s usage.

SYNONYMS: ass pro ; bird taker; batter ; batts; buff-boy ; bunny ; business-boy ; call-boy ; cocktail ; coin-collector; commercial-queer ; crack-salesman ; dick-peddler ; fag boy ; fanny-boy; foot-soldier ; gay dirt ; gigolo ; he-whore ; jack' ass ; Hollywood-hustler ; husband-for-a-weekend ; iron-hoof ; mayate; merchandise; models; outdoorsman; party-boy ; prick-peddler ; professional queer ; puto ; rent; renter ; renter boy ; Rita; sport-goods ; sporting-goods ; steer meat ; street-mechanic ; swishblader; trabajado-trader ; trader-dick ; venereal boy .

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