Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

dirty old man:

Or: DOM / D .O.M. :

1. A lewd or lecherous , middle-aged or elderly man who leers at young women, especially one who makes sexual innuendoes or suggestions to them. Can be jocular, tolerant or disparaging.

2. Derogatory gay nickname for an aging , middle-aged or elderly homosexual , especially if effeminate , dainty and gossipy.
Synonyms: aging-actress ; aunt ; aunt-Mame ; aunt-Mathilda ; auntie ; chin-strap ; geriatric-set ; Geritol-set ; fallen-star ; grandma ; gray-lady ; grimm's-fairy ; old-girl (hen, one, thing , queen , queer); prune-person ; rancid-flower ; soiled-senior-citizen ; wheelchair-set .

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