

1. Or: strip , to undress.

2. To have sexual-intercourse . See copulation for synonyms.

See Also: banana, Beulah, bottomless bar, no, nude bar, peach, slow exotic, topless bar

Quotes Containing peel:
Mrs. Emma Peel (Uma Thurman) and John Steed (Ralph Fiennes) in The Avengers (1999): - Mrs. Peel: 'I'm the sort that doesn't take 'no' for an answer.' - John Steed: 'I think that would depend entirely on the question.' METHAPHORICAL YES-SES!!!
You know , one should never fear being wet .' August De Winter (Sean Connery) to Emma Peel (Uma Thurman) in The Avengers (1999)
Sir August De Winter (Sean Connery) to Dr. Emma Peel (Uma Thrman) in The Avengers (1998): ''You know , one should never fear being wet .''
Sir August De Winter (Sean Connery) to Dr. Emma Peel (Uma Thrman) in The Avengers (1998): ''You know , one should never fear being wet .''

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