

Or: strip-tease , a performance in which a person slowly removes clothing piece by piece usually to the accompaniment of music.

Synonyms: pussy-show ; strip .
See also: inside-out-strip ; pole-work ; shower-dance ; silhouette-routine ; skin-game ; trod-the-planks (or boards)


(1) K . S. Daly. Sex. An Encyclopedia for the Bewildered (1995): ' Following the first strip-tease performance at the Moulin Rouge in Paris in February 1893, other performances attempted to add some imaginative variety to the proceedings. One of these, La Puce (or The Flea) featured a young woman who, on discovering a flea in her clothing, had no option but to divest .'

(2) The judge (Ferdinand Gottschalk) and Rosie Larue (Winnie Lightner) in Dancing Lady (1933):
-- The judge: ' Now, Miss Leroux, just what constitutes a strip-tease? '
-- Rosette Henriette Larue: ' A good constitution and a couple of zippers .'

See Also: adult entertainment center, bikini bar, Boston version, bottle dance, bottomless bar, bumper, cooch, exotic dancer, gazupie, girlesk, girly girly show, girly show, inside-out strip, Liz Bien, nude bar, nudie, peeler, pussy show, sexy number, shower dance, silhouette routine, slinger, stag show, strip, stripper, strippo, stripster, striptease artist, striptease to go, stripteaser, topless bar, torso-tosser, uncover girl, wall dance, weaver

Quotes Containing striptease:
Liz (Paula Prentiss), an American striptease-artist working in Paris, meets Michael James (Peter O''Toole) in What''s New Pussycat? (1965): - Liz: ''I can''t spend the rest of my life being a semi-virgin.'' - Michael: ''What in the name of all that''s gracious is a semi-virgin?'' - Liz: ''Here I''m a virgin , in America I''m not. - Michael: ''What do they do? Stamp it on your pasport?''
Liz (Paula Prentiss), an American striptease-artist working in Paris, meets Michael James (Peter O''Toole) in What''s New Pussycat? (1965): - Liz: ''I can''t spend the rest of my life being a semi-virgin.'' - Michael: ''What in the name of all that''s gracious is a semi-virgin?'' - Liz: ''Here I''m a virgin , in America I''m not. - Michael: ''What do they do? Stamp it on your pasport?''

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