and All the Many-Splendored Things in Between in Teenspeak - Jockspeak - Menglish - Slanglish - Spanglish
Gaylese - Americanese - Britspeak - Ozslang - Funetic
Populo-Vulgar Speech - T-Shirt & Net Shorthand
Pompo-Verbosity & other Figurative Lingos
Quotes Containing snotty: Commanderette Zircon (Leslie Bevis) and President Skroob (Mel Brooks) in Spaceballs (1987): - Commanderette:'Shall I have Snotty beam you down?' - President: 'I don't about that beamingstuff . Is it safe?' - Commanderette:'Oh yes , sir. Snotty beamed me twice last night. It was wonderful.'