

A lexicon of terms pertaining to sexuality and sexology ; not to be confused with sex-icon , a sexually-appealing movie star or stage performer ' attracting worshipful attention '. (William F . Bucckley. The Lexicon (1996))
See Also: acquaintance, Adam, adulterer, antaphrodisiac, bachelor girl, bidet, chaste, debutante's ball, drawers, eunuch, fairy, fast woman, fornicate, free love, Freudian, gestation, gynaecologist, gynecologist, human nature, intimate acquaintance, Kama Sutra, Kinsey Report, knocker, lope the mule, mutton dagger, pederast, proctalgia, prosodist, pubes, scrubber, senility, seven year itch, sex icon, short-arm inspection, virility

Quotes Containing sexicon:
Humorously defined by Frederic Mullally in The Penthouse Sexicon (1968) as: 'The only place a man must come-out of before he can go into.'
Humorously defined by Frederic Mullally in The Penthouse Sexicon (1968): ''To be responsible for a maiden losing her head .'' A pun on maidenhead .''
Humorously defined by Frederic Mullally in The Penthouse Sexicon (1968): ''One who strenuously denies that a miss is as good as a male.''
Frederic Mullally said of Dr. Kinsey in The Penthouse Sexicon (1968): ''U.S. sexologist who established that it takes more than one bang to make a resounding report.''
Frederic Mullally in The Penthouse Sexicon (1968): ''One whose attitude to the fair-sex is: "If you can''t join ''em, lick ''em."''
Frederic Mullally, The Penthouse Sexicon (1968): ''Man who believes that two mates are more fun than one. Naturally, this makes him a criminal.''
In The Penthouse Sexicon (1968) Frederic Mullally defined: - BOSOM: ''Attractive anatomical protuberance peculiar to the female anatomy.'' - BOTTOM: ''Anatomical protuberance attractive to the peculiar male.''
In The Penthouse Sexicon (1968) Frederic Mullally defined: - BOSOM: ''Attractive anatomical protuberance peculiar to the female anatomy.'' - BOTTOM: ''Anatomical protuberance attractive to the peculiar male.''

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