

Dated British term coined in the 19 th century for:

1. The female genitals with reference to something that rasps or scours and therefore contains a certain degree of fear. Usage was still current in the 1920s. See vagina for synonyms.
SEE ALSO: vagina-dentata .

2. Or: rasp away , to have sexual-intercourse . See copulation for synonyms.

See Also: rasp

Quotes Containing rasp:
Peachum (Fritz Rasp), the king of beggars, to his daughter Polly (Carola Meher) who secretly married Mack the Knife (Rudolph Forster) in The Threepenny Penny Opera (1931): - Peachum: 'You'll get a divorce!' - Polly: 'But I love him! How can I get a divorce?' - Peachum: 'I'll tan your behind!' - Polly: 'It won't do any good. Love is greater that a tanned behind .'

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