

A feeling of wonder, approval, regard, or great respect.
Synonyms: adoration; affection ; appreciation; approbation; approval; awe; consideration; deference; delight; esteem; estimation; favor ; fondness; hero-worship; homage; honor; idolatry; idolization; liking; love ; marveling; obeisance; pleasure; praise; prizing; recognition; regard; respect; reverence; valuing; veneration; wonder; wonder from afar; wonderment; worship .
See Also: adulation, agastopia, for love, gets more ass than a toilet seat, God's gift to women, lady's man, packs a wallop, he, rapt, wolf whistle

Quotes Containing admiration:
Julie Blair (Karen Sharpe) and Jerome Littlefield (Jerry Lewis) in The Disorderly Orderly (1964): - Julie: ''You loved your father, didn''t you?'' - Jerome: ''Love you can''t help, but I also respected and admired my father. Respect and admiration you have to earn.'' - Julie: ''Who else have you ever loved?'' - Jerome: ''Oh, well, I loved his wife . She was like a mother to me.''
Julie Blair (Karen Sharpe) and Jerome Littlefield (Jerry Lewis) in The Disorderly Orderly (1964): - Julie: ''You loved your father, didn''t you?'' - Jerome: ''Love you can''t help, but I also respected and admired my father. Respect and admiration you have to earn.'' - Julie: ''Who else have you ever loved?'' - Jerome: ''Oh, well, I loved his wife . She was like a mother to me.''

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