

Euphemism for a prostitute , especially a streetwalker . See prostitute for synonyms.
See Also: adelphepothia, agyrophobia, aimless amy, amies, auto pimp, baggage-boy, Blackout Romeo, blue angel, bone out, brown dollars, Browning sister, bub and sis, curb crawler, doggy-do, Freya, fruitnugget, go on the batter, grump, hard-leg (whore), head cleaner, homegirl, hooker's beat, Jac blaster, jammy, jenny, jimbrowsky, Jimmy cap, Jimmy hat, K, kid sister, love dust, on the turf, pimp dust, pimped down, power U, public convenience, rolling, sin-twister, sis, siss, sissies, sistie, skin and blister, slick and slim up the old dusty road, sobbyist, soror, sororal, Special K, speciman, springer, strawberry, street trick, street-tricking, streetwalker, streetwalking, stroll, Stupefi, tree jumper, Vetalar, Vitamin K, walking the street(s), wall job, Want some company?, warme schwester, whiffenpopper, whore stroll, work from the book, work the cuts, work the street(s), working outside, XTacy, XTC

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