Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

white light:

In stripteasing, an unfiltered spotlight.
See Also: albedosynia, baby blue, back-alley, ball-face, Beulah-lover, black in white, black meat, blue handkerchief, blue skin, C-light, CBC, chocolate lover, coal burner, cunt light, dark meat, dinge-rim queen, glimmers, glims, go down the line, grey broad, GWM, head cheese, headcheese, helmet halva, leukophobia, light meat, light off, light up, midnight queen, mulatto, negrera, pecker cheese, photophobia, poon light, red-light, red-light house, redneck, S/W/F, S/W/M, snow queen, time waster, vanilla and chocolate, W/M, wAm, white meat, white meat turkey on pumpernickel, white owl, white sugar, wigger, WT, zebra'd, zulubruiser

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