Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

milking one's self:

Of a male, to masturbate and ejaculate. See masturbation-male for synonyms.
See Also: alveoli, amor sui, amour propre, analipsation, another way to love, autoflagellation, automutilation, autophagy, autophilia, autosadism, baby bar, the, bag-twister, bedventure, big shit, big shot, big wheel, boob juice, cable tie, chicken-milking, full of oneself, jollification, jugs, knee-bender, make a milk run, make the milk run, milk can, milk cow, milk jug, milk pan, milker, milking pail, red-appler, selbst befriedigung, self-love, self-mutilation, toad-eater, toady, virgins dream

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