Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
jump someone's bones:
Or: jump his/her bones , colloquial phrase meaning to engage in sexual-intercourse with someone. See copulation for synonyms. QUOTE: Rena (Prunella Gee) and Keogh (Michael Caine) in The Wilby Conspiracy (1974):
-- Rena: ' You have a pleasant face Keogh, but your bones are arranged all wrong .'
-- Keogh: ' And your bones are arranged all right, all over, and I'm about to jump all over those beautiful bones .'
See Also: adolescent growth spurt, arse-bone, arse-wedge, ass-bone, ass-wedge, bite the crank, bone, bone in the bum, bone the bum, coccyx, crus of the clitoris, crus penis, eenob, enob, Hands off your cocks, feet in your socks!, hear the call, ilium, jump bones, jump someone's bones, manbone, part cheeks, play the bones, set one's cap for, split some buns, stir chocolate, stir fudge, stir shit, turn someone on, wang bone, whang bone, wink somebody down, working my last gay nerve
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