Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Semen and other fluids secreted at orgasm ; derives from the reproductive sense of the word. See semen for synonyms.See Also: abnormal presentation, abruptio placentae, adult baby, autonepiophilia, babes having babies, babette, baby, baby blues, baby boom, baby boomer, baby buggy, baby bust, baby buster, baby butch, baby child, baby doll, baby dyke, baby face, Baby Gets Clean, baby motel, baby porker, baby-faced, baby-maker, baby-snatcher, babyolatry, bald man in a boat, bazooms, beef burger, beef gravy, bib, blue balls, blueballs, boo, boon dagger, boonch, bootch, brat-getter, broad, broody, BT, bull, bull bitch, bull-dagger, bull-dike, bull-diker, bull-dogger, burp, buster, butch dagger, butch lesbian, butz, camper, chester, Chester the Molester, chi-mo, chic, child molester, child-getter, chitty-faced, chlamydia, Chlamydia trachomatis, client, condyloma (acuminata), congenital syphilis, cradle-custard, cradle-robber, cradle-snatcher, cull, daddy-type, diapering, diaperism, diaphanophilia, didie, diesel dyke, dike, dinky dyke, dish, doodle, dyke, dyke-o-saurus, fare, food metaphor, forbidden zone, gaybee boom, gaychick, genital warts, grit, hard baby, hard-boiled baby, hard-boiler, he-man, hepatitis B, hereditary syphilis, in love, infantilism, intergenerational relationship, jazzbo, jazzed-up jane, jazzy jane, jazzy member, jazzy number, jobblies, jubblies, jublies, killer, lady-killer, lemons, love juice, love nuts, man juice, meatball, money trick, nightie, nighty, nudie-cutie, one-way, paraphilic infantilism, paste, patron, pebbles, pills, pink, piper, pod juice, pregnant, prick-juice, randy, rosebud, semi-diesel, sergeant, short-eyes, soft butch, spermatic juice, squealer, stone butch, surrogate mother, swiftie, swing, tail juice, teat, top-sergeant, TOS, Venus with a penis, wild girl, wild thing, wild woman, wolf
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