Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

adolescent homosexuality:

Homosexual contacts, usually experimental or self-exploratory, during adolescence . According to Kinsey +/- 17 % of homosexual women and +/- 18 % of homosexual men experience their first homosexual contacts before the age of 15.
See Also: 175er, accidental homosexuality, adolescentilism, badge, blue discharge, bumfluff, come out to oneself, coming out of the closet, coming out process, commasculation, deprivational homosexuality, discover one's gender, faggotry, fairy godmother, functional homosexuality, gay chicken, GIDAANT, go public, Greek vice, Hellenic love, homoism, homophilia, homophylophilia, homosexuality, Hundred-And-Seventy-Fiver, lay it out, learn a new way, lose one's gender, LUG, puppy fat, same sex love, sapphic, sexual orientation, situational homosexuality, stay in the closet, tampered with, tautanerism, third set, third sex, untried, urningism, urnism, vice allemand, walk queer street, wear a cut-glass veil, wear a mourning veil, whiff of lavender

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