

Or: erotic / erogenic / erotogenic . Etymology: From theGreek eros , sexual love .

1. Sexually sensitive; responsive to sexual stimulation; susceptible to erotic stimulation.

2. Sexually stimulating; arousing sexual-desire ; productive of erotic desires.

See Also: anaesthesia sexualis, beads, brain sex, erogenous zones, erotic, erotogenic, erotogenic zones, fore-pleasure, G-spot, the, grope, sensate focus exercises

Quotes Containing erogenous:
Charles Panati. Sexy Origins and Intimate Things (1998): ''The most popular explanation for the link between fashion and eroticism, and rapid changes in styles, is the sex-appeal theory, also known as the theory of shifting erogenous-zones . Proponents of the theory argue that the primary purpose of all womens fashion is the desire to continually reattract the opposite-sex . The driving force behind seasonal changes in styles is to arouse men sated by last seasons "look" to turn-on to a new "look." In todays sexually liberated and sex-saturated times, fashion is driven by the seduction principle. With so much sexual imagery in the media, men get sated quickly, and women must work hard to reseduce them with styles that continually shift the erogenous zone from breasts to bellies to backs to legs to hair to lips . Men, for their part, positively yearn to be reseduced, over and over again. All of this seduction, says the theory, is to fulfill the biological imperative to continue the species, even if the sexes thwart conception at every chance they get .''
Charles Panati. Sexy Origins and Intimate Things (1998): ''The most popular explanation for the link between fashion and eroticism, and rapid changes in styles, is the sex-appeal theory, also known as the theory of shifting erogenous-zones . Proponents of the theory argue that the primary purpose of all womens fashion is the desire to continually reattract the opposite-sex . The driving force behind seasonal changes in styles is to arouse men sated by last seasons "look" to turn-on to a new "look." In todays sexually liberated and sex-saturated times, fashion is driven by the seduction principle. With so much sexual imagery in the media, men get sated quickly, and women must work hard to reseduce them with styles that continually shift the erogenous zone from breasts to bellies to backs to legs to hair to lips . Men, for their part, positively yearn to be reseduced, over and over again. All of this seduction, says the theory, is to fulfill the biological imperative to continue the species, even if the sexes thwart conception at every chance they get .''

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