
easy to look at:

Or: easy-on-the-eyes , good-looking; pleasant looking and pleasing to look at.

Quote: Smith (Bruce Willis) in Last Man Standing (1999): ' She was real easy to look at but I hoped I never saw her again .'

See Also: aesthetically advantaged, aesthetically challenged, ass-a-holic, autoscopophilia, basket-watching, bat one's eyes at, beauhunk, beddy, ben's gran, biffer, biker, buildiking, butchy, check it out, chicken-looking, cinch, clap eyes on, clap one's eyes on, come-hither eyes, come-up-and-see-me-sometime look, curb crawler, cutty-eye, dead whore, dog eye, easy lay, easy make, easy mark, easy on the eyes, easy ride, easy to look at, eyesore, flirtatious eyes, fly, ganderers, gayola, get the eye, give a come-hither look, give someone the glad eye, give the come-on eye, give the double-O, give the glad eye, give the mash eye, give the once over, give the reckless eyeball, glad eye, the, go fishing, googly eyes, have a roving eye, head cheese, headcheese, helmet halva, illyngophobia, lay eyes on, lay one's eyes on, look goats and monkeys at, look over, look up and down at, mackadocious, mash eye, nectar, O.O, oeillade, ogle, pash eye, pecker cheese, pieface, piss-easy, pretty-boy, rickety-raw, roving eye, run one's eyes over, scoping, set eyes on, side-glance, sightseer, speciman, spectrophobia, tin solder, tithioscopia, trick suit, vada, wifeable, zoom in on, zoom on

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