

To copulate . Obsolete.
Etymology: From the Latin coire , go together. See copulation for synonyms.
See Also: bastard, Colt's tooth, cookies, filly, illegitimate child, park the pink cadillac, pink bus, pink cadilac, pink oboe, pink torpedo, spank, water sports

Quotes Containing colt:
Sgt. Jack Colt (Emilio Estevez) reminiscing about his ex-partner in National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon I (1993): 'When Claire was excited she peed on my leg'. Jack Colt was very fond-of his ex-partner... a police dog named Claire.
Destiny Demeanor (Kathy Ireland) to Sgt. Jack Colt (Emilio Estevez) in National Lampoon''s Loaded Weapon 1 (1993): ''I''m just a gal like any other gal . I want a home , a family , an occasional spanking. ''
Dr. Lecter to Det. Luger (Samuel L. Jackson) Det. Colt (Emilio Estevez) in National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 (1993): 'And when you find him, please, I would love to eat his cookies with some fava beans and a chilled Fresca.'

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