
Age Verification Service:

Or: Adult-Verification-Service / AVS . Internet verification service to guarantee that subscribers to adult (porno) sites are of legal age . Since the government has decreed that ownership of a credit card is sufficient proof of adulthood, most AVS require that you charge your membership fee on a credit card. Members select a username and password to access AVS-protected adult sites which have signed up with that particular AVS .
See Also: a.s.s., Adult Verification Service, AEGIS, age segregation, Age Verification Service, AoC, aunt Mame, aunt Mathilda, AVS, call joint, chronological age, comfort for the troops, do escort work, elderly, gay old dog, get stiffed, gettng on (in years), hardware shop, out-call service, seeing-to, service station, striptease to go, stud-service, sunset years, telephone house, token of sincerity, turkey-trotter, white meat turkey on pumpernickel, works, the

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