Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Lacking in moral and sexual discipline , sexually unrestrained; immoral ; lewd ; lascivious ; disregarding moral and legal codes.

ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin licentia , meaning license or liberty. Standard use in English since the 16 th century.

SYNONYMS: abandoned; amoral; animal ; carnal ; corrupt; debauched; depraved ; desirous; disorderly; dissipated ; dissolute ; fast; fast and loose ; fleshly ; impure; incontinent ; in the fast lane; lascivious ; lax; lecherous ; lewd ; libertine ; libidinous; lickerish ; loose ; lubricious ; lustful ; oversexed ; profligate ; promiscuous ; relaxed; reprobate; salacious ; satyric; scabrous; sensual; swinging ; unbridled; unconstrained; uncontrollable; uncurbed; unmoral; unprincipled; unruly; wanton .

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