Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. A man ; a boy ; a fellow.

2. A person of either sex ; any person or just a person. Guys , persons of either sex . (Just) one of the guys , one of us, one of our group or kind.

3. My guy , a woman's boyfriend, lover , of husband .
Etymology: Possibly a derivation of the Yiddish goy , a gentile.

Synonyms: dip-in-the-fudge-pot, fuck-in-the-brown, butt-plug, 66, 99, a-bit-of-brown, a-bit-of-ring, a-bucking, ace-fuck, anal-coitus, anal-copulation, anal-dance, anal-delight, anal-intercourse, anal-genital coition, anal-genital coitus, fuck up the ass, fuck where the devil fears to tread, fudge-packing, get some brown (surgar), get-some-mud-for-the-duck, get-some-round-eye, getting some round eye, go-Hollywood, going-down-the-dirt-road, going-down-the-Hershey-highway, going-up-the-ass, going-up-the-chute, going up mustard road, going-up-the-Hershey-Bar-road, go-up-the-dirt-road, going-up-the-mustard-road, going up the (old) dirt road, Greek (greek), Greek-art(s), Greek-culture(s), Greek-love, Greek-style, Greek-way, greeking, gut-reaming, guy-fucking, have-a-bit-of-bum, have-a-bit-of-navy-cake, have-a-bit-of-tail, Hershey-Bar-route, high-Greek, Hindustani-jig, hole-in-one, hole-it, hose, hot-dogging, impale, in-the-brown, in-the-saddle, Italian-culture, Italian-fashion, Italian-habit, Italian-way, keester-stab, kicking the back the door in, lay-the-leg, let's-play-52-pick-up, love that dare not speak its name, mix-your-peanut-butter, molly, moon shot (moonshot), (the) nameless crime, navy-style, ninety-nine, open-up-the-ass, open-up-someone's-ass, oscarize, pack-fudge, pack-some-mud, packing-mud, paint-the-bucket, part-cheeks, part-someone's-cheeks, penoanal-intercourse, penoanal sex, perve, phallate-per-rectum, pick-up-the-soap, pig-sticking, pipe, pitch, plank, play-chess, play-checkers, play-dump-truck, play-leapfrog, plug, popping it in the toaster, a pot of brown, pound someone's ass (butt or cheeks), pound the ass (butt or cheeks), proctophallism, pulling-the-train, pumping-off

Quotes Containing guy:
'Out here it's kill your parents, fuck your frinds, and have a nice day.' Keystone Pictures Senior V.P. Buddy Ackerman (Kevin Spavey) to his assistant Guy (Frank Whaley) about movie producing in Swimming with Sharks (1994)
'You give me what I need I'm gonna leave here a nice guy . You don't, I'm gonna fuck you up .' John Hatcher (Steven Seagal) to Jimmy Fingers in Marked for Death (1990)
'My mom's been fuckin' a dead guy for thirty years; I call him dad.' Randal Graves (Jeff Anderson) in Clerks (1994)
Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone) to the bad guy in Tango and Cash (1989) - Drug dealer: 'Fuck you!' - Ray Tabgo: 'I prefer blondes.'

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