1. A person who habitually reveals, repeats, or spreads idle talk and intimate, private, or sensational rumors or facts about others.Synonyms: babbler; blabbermouth; busybody; buttinsky ; chatterbox; chatterer; circulator; flibbertigibbet; gossipmonger; informer; kibitzer; meddler; newsmonger; Nosy Parker; parrot; prattler ; quidnunc; rumormonger; scandalizer; scandalmonger; snoop; talebearer; tattler; tattletale; telltale; yenta .
2. Such talk , rumors, or facts.
Synonyms: account; babble; babbling; back-fence talk ; blather; blether; buzz ; calumny; chatter; chitchat; chronicle; clothesline; conversation; cry; defamation; dirt ; dirty laundry ; dirty linen; dirty wash; dope; earful; grapevine; guff ; hearsay; idle talk ; injury; malicious talk ; meddling; murmur; news; prate; prattle; report; rumors; scandal; scuttlebutt; slander; small talk ; story; tale; talk ; tattle; whispering campaing; word.
(1) Dr. Matthew Swain (Lloyd Nolan) about Peyton Place (1957): ' We're all prisoners of each other's gossip, killed by each other's whispers .'
(2) Yale (Michael Murphy) in Manhattan (1979): ' Gossip is the new pornography .'
(3) Columnist L'Oiseau/Wasy (Wallace Shawn) to Bertram Stone (John Lone) in The Moderns (1988): ' Everyone hates repeating gossip but what else is there to do with it? '
3. To talk about others; to spread rumors.Synonyms: babble; bad-mouth; bend one's ear ; blab ; blather; blether; bruit; chat ; chatter; chip-the-lips ; cut to pieces; cut-up ; dish ; hint; imply; insinuate; intimate; jaw; noise abroad; prate; prattle; put-it-about ; rattle on ; repeat; report; rumor; schmoose; spill the beans ; spread ; spread rumors; stir-some-shit ; suggest; talk ; talk idly; tattle; tell secrets ; tell tales; wiggle-waggle.
3. Trivial or chatty talk . See also: pussy-talk .
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