

To cheat on one's regular lover . See affair for synonyms.
See Also: break luck, pull a trick, regular trick, romantricks, straight trick, TOS, trich, trick, trick baby, turn a date, turn a trick, turn tricks, turned out, variety artist, works, the

Quotes Containing trick-out:
Ingrid Bergman: ''A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.''
Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984) about the word yard : ''By 1850 it had become obsolete. Yet the yard lives on in every man''s fantasy, though the details of the fantasy clash. We have the old adage, "Short and thick does the trick" (18thC), as well as Robert Burns''s "Nine inch will please a lady" while contemporary folk hyperbole immortalizes theman with a nine-inch pr**k and a twelve-inch tongue who can breathe through his ears. In our world , however, it''s the three-inch-fool (The Taming of the Shrew) who clearly is the rule.''
Connie (Kelly Lynch) to Joe Casella (William Baldwin) in Three of Hearts (1993): 'Love is like some fucking force of nature. You can't trick it ... you sure can't control it . That's the great part, that's the ride . Enjoy it .'

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