

Slang term for the mouth . See mouth for synonyms.
See Also: a capella, abortus incipiens, acute, antiman, bad talk, bear-garden language, beat one's time, below the navel, cause of causes, chip the lips, chossel, chuftie, cloak the captain, cock-teasing, cockteasing, coprophagist, friends to stay, go caso, grin, grub trap, grubbery, habit that dare not speak its name, hot bot, involuntary regurgitation, Jack in the box, laliophobia, lalophobia, lunchbox, male netherland(s), man mountain, mouth, piquant, pushing box, red tummy ache, roses and raptures, sass, solo box, talk in (deep) hues of magnolia, toss him off, unspoken language (of love), vagina loquens, wear a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, wear horn-rimmed glasses

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