

Said of a male who masturbates (often).
See Also: 40-5, 9 to 5, 900 number, anal beads, be your own best friend, bone-up, doing a hand job, doing the five knuckle chuckle, doing the five knuckle shuffle, doing the knuckle chuckle on the ol' piss pump, doing the knuckle shuffle on the ol' piss pump, fair game, five against one, five knuckle chuckle, five knuckle shuffle, five on one, five-finger Mary, five-fingered Annie, forty/five, four sisters on thumb street, having sex with someone you love, knuckle shuffle on the ol' piss pump, Lady Five Fingers, Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters, Mary Palm, masturbation-male, Mister Wiggly, Mother Fist and her five daughters, Mrs. Hand and the five fingers, Mrs. Palm and her five daughters, nine-to-five, old lady five fingers, quick one, quick sex, quickie, sex with someone you love, ultraviolet wand, veuve poignet, violet wand, wand

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